sniper suspects in custody!

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Just saw on tv that they got those two suspects in custody! Hope they aren't just suspects and they really were the ones doing the shootings!
I think the guy is a fucking bad ass.

hear me out.

Yeah, it sucks that hes killing people, esp random good people and kids... but it says something about our political system.
They can't find the dude... how many towns, and states at this point are lookign for him?
yet we get pulled over and go to jail for a night (in regard to the other story on here a few days ago).

Why is he a bad ass? cuz hes fucking with the minds of millions of people... Power.

I bet he tosses the gun somehwere and then walks over to the victim like he is just another person who saw it. HEs fuckign with police by doing everything they publish that they say he isn't doing.
And after all is said and done, who said its a he and not a she.

thought for the day on social politics. we always assume people who commit crimes like this are guys.

let it bleed your mind :)
They were talking about that on the news today. The "normal" profile for a serial killer is a 30-45 year old white male. This is abnormal cuz it's a younger black guy.

And you're right, he's hella powerful. ONE guy is fucking with the minds and lives of lots and lots of people.
the system is fucked up.... the police are to busy pull us over and not looking for the real crimnals
Hey, those clear corners you have just might be a threat to society. And if your headlights are sitting under 22", shit, you're as good a Jeff Dahmer.
its not like we are shooting people at restrants..... i know peole who drive drunk all the time.. who drive with no insurence.. who sells drugs... who steals and nothing ever happens to them but i get pulled over cuz i made a lane change to fast and got a careless driving ticket for not wearing my contacts that caused me not to get the job that i wanted badly! the would is fucked up!!!
These people are beyond fucked up :angry: ... why dont they buy a fucking plane ticket to iraq and take out sadam or someone similar? serously, why waste time with killing innocent poeple when you could do good and kill people that need to be killed?

maybe we should make them do that
Originally posted by pissedoffsol@Oct 24 2002, 11:20 AM
Yeah, it sucks that hes killing people, esp random good people and kids... but it says something about our political system.

Who ever said these are good people.
I bet ya ever single one of those people have
broken a sin. well according to the religious people of the world.
or they maybe didn't pay there taxes. Believe me you. Ever single person
that was a target has done something wrong. and maybe this was the shooters point. who knows.

but the guy whom ever he is, hell they might not even have the right guy.
is a genius kinda. he went on a killing spree and no one could track this man.
hell if he dind't say a word and just kept on going, then one day just disapeared. he would be the most notorious serial killer that never got caught.

On a side note, have you ever thought of the perfect way to rob a bank without getting caught. Hell I do it all the time. you've just gotta think like the people that will be looking for you afterwards. and man I've got some kick ass ideas.
Originally posted by CRX-YEM@Oct 24 2002, 02:41 PM
On a side note, have you ever thought of the perfect way to rob a bank without getting caught. Hell I do it all the time. you've just gotta think like the people that will be looking for you afterwards. and man I've got some kick ass ideas.

you've seen oceans 11 and bandits too many times
hell there's a fine line between genius and insanity.

yeah I've watched those flicks a lot. but seriously ever since I can remember I've always planned how t orob a bank without getting caught. not that I ever would but I just like the challege of doin things without gettin caught
everyone has thought up away to rip off work or a store its a part of human nature.... rigth now i can rip off $5000 plus in cells fones and seell em on ebay but i dont cuz what would happen if i get caught.
Yep, as far as Catholicism goes. Ever seen Monty Python's The Meaning of Life? The song "Every Sperm Is Sacred". :D