So I broke my leg last night....

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Ya. I'm sure noone on this site knows this or cares, but my first hobbie, before cars, is rollerblading. You know, the kind of shit on the X-Games. I basically slide down rails and jump off/over shit on rollerblades for fun. And I'm good at it too. But last night was just one of those nights, I was skating this rail at the X-Games skatepark at the Colorado Mills Mall, and the rail is flat, then it kinks and goes down at a angle. So I'm grinding the flat part of the rail and then I go to switch up to a different grind on the down part, miss, fall, and land on my left leg juuuussst right. I mean wrong. My fibula snapped in two. :bawling: Shit hurt.
So all of my good ass friends pick me up, get my van(I drove) and take me to the hospital.

6-8 weeks is my sentence, no rollerblading, If my car worked, I couldn't drive it, and my dog likes to jump on my leg for some reason. UUUUUHHHHH!!!!! This sucks.

Sorry for the rant, but I'm in pain and I needed to vent.

Good thing is, it wasn't nearly as bad as when I broke my arm skating. My arm has 2 plates and 11 screws from when I broke that biatch!! I even saw my bone come through my arm when I broke it.

Cliff notes:
Broke leg
Shit hurts
HAHA rollerblades..... :lmao:

I used to be into all that rollerbladers vs. skateboarders like we were different gangs and stuff. :lol: Ahh, memories. I dont skateboard anymore, I just mess around on it every once in a while.

Me and all my buddies used to talk crap on rollerbladers but I could care less now. Rollerblades are fine with me.

Sorry to hear that you hurt your self. 6-8 weeks is going to seem like forever!!!
and wheeled sport sucks.. i played rollerhockey for 8 years, broke my wrist, my collarbone in 2 places and countless fingers//toes..

sorry to hear that shit thought mang, have fun with the cast for the next 2 months :ph34r:
So here are a few pics so you get the general idea...

This is what I do

^(This is me.)

And this is what happened....

Thanks for your sympathy. Ha ha. This sucks. :ph34r:
The reason the Jimmy has a bag on the window is because the last time the owner parked it there, they parked it just below the end of the railing so they wouldn't have to walk as far to their Jimmy, and when MugenCRX came off the end of the rail, he put his ass through the window. Now the owner parks it a little further away from the steps.
^LMFAO. Thats good shit. We have hit cars at the bottom before, never broke nothing, just set off alarms. HEHE.

Actually, my guess as to why the window is broke is because thats a busted ass neighborhood. We actually have names for all the spots that we skate and that spot is known as the PROJECTS. We've heard gunshots on the next street over and shit when we skated there before. Pretty scary shit.
Originally posted by Loco Honkey@Apr 7 2004, 02:44 PM
The reason the Jimmy has a bag on the window is because the last time the owner parked it there, they parked it just below the end of the railing so they wouldn't have to walk as far to their Jimmy, and when MugenCRX came off the end of the rail, he put his ass through the window. Now the owner parks it a little further away from the steps.

:lmao: :lmao:

Mugen... I'm sorry, that really sucks. :( Take advantage of this opportunity to have a perfectly good excuse to waste time. :p
that sucks, the only bones I've broken were my knuckles and pinky and that shit hurt a lot but I can't imagine how it would feel to brake ur fibula.
good luck with the healing process.
My dad broke his ankle, broke isnt a good enough description, he shattered it. He also broke his neck in two places, the guy can still walk.

Sk8 to live, like to Sk8. you're not tryin hard enough if you havent broken anything, right? Speedy recovery.