Some body is going to fry....

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The easiest way to get out of jury duty is to say that you like Rush Limbaugh and Bill O'Reilly and Ronald Reagan on the questionnaire. Trust me, no defense attorney or prosecutor for that matter wants some queer hating, bible beating, gun toting retard on their jury. I say these things tongue in cheek of course, for I am pretty conservative by most standards. It works though...

I would think that would make you the lead. :D
I've never been called to jury duty, but here in Europe we don't exactly have juries.
my wife got a jury duty letter...she didn't sign up for a draft or register for what gives... the only thing she has is a drivers license, green card, and a credit card...

Yes, and no.

Kylph, you're not 26 yet, so you still have a chance.

Selective Service System: Fast Facts

Not Registered with the Selective Service? Should You Worry?

Pretty much the only thing that will happen anymore is OPM won't clear you to get a security clearance if you didn't register.

I'm registered with Selective Cannon Fodder, I just skipped out the first time I got jury duty and haven't gotten it again since.
Well, I called the pre-recorded court phone, and all jury people are I show up and I'll prolly sit there all day... so taking tonight off. Paid of course...and if I get selected for a jury, then I still get 8 hours pay a day, and if the trial lasts a while, and is not like an OJ trial, then I an still work week-ends.

Also found that they select people for juries from 4 list's. Driver's License, welfare/un-employed, tax payers, and selective service.
one guy at work was stuck on a jury for 7 months.... :(
damn it...I didn't get picked for a jury... ohh well...3 more years of not worrying about it.