Son of a b!tch

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Well-Known Member
Son of a bitch, I want my damn grades.

I have 4 of my 6 classes back thus far, and I've waited a day in the half on the other two - and they're both up in the air because the professors have a crazy grading scale.
Yea I know what you mean. First online, a few profs already had there grades up then 2 days before all grades are due, they shut down that area of the website so you can't check any grades, then on wednesday morning, they were back up. 2.61 :cry:
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Yea I know what you mean. First online, a few profs already had there grades up then 2 days before all grades are due, they shut down that area of the website so you can't check any grades, then on wednesday morning, they were back up. 2.61 :cry:

Well they shut the server to the grades down at night. MAD HACKERS yo!$!@#$ ...and I went out to a Bon Jovi concert last night, so I was hoping they were posted late yesterday and would be up today but they weren't.

I was hoping for a 4.0 this semester, but I really don't warrant those kind of grades because I never study or do work but I did well for myself. Those two grades are still up in the air, but if they fall my way - then I should be rocking a 3.75 for 6 classes this semester.

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cry me a river...

I will, turdball.

:wink: :ph34r:
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You want grades ? Well, just for going to the Bon Jovi show, you get a D+ in culture.
no he was doing research about the 80's

Best thing to come out of the 80's.


Nah I grew up on Bon Jovi, my girlfriend is absolutely in love with him. I bought 4 floor tickets and sold two, I had seat numbers 16, 15, 14, 13 in my hand and gave away 16,15.

Five minutes before the show started when I went to get food and the usher told me I shouldn't leave, I thought she was just being an ass. Well the couple that bought the tickets from me off of ebay, sat down in this time.

Apparently my girlfriend missed out on touching Bon Jovi, which probably would have sent her into a screaming orgasm, by inches because that couple showed up and this crazy whore of a mom touched him, in between her poor stripper dancing techniques.

All in all, the night probably cost around $500 after souveniers, gas, pretzel and a chicken sandwich, but it was worth it. She had an awesome time and was closer to him than she's ever been and he blew up his home town. This was all a part of her Christmas present and its what she wanted, so I gave her what she wanted.

For the record, since I was made in the 80's I grew up listening to a bunch of hair metal but also listen to a ton of older rock.

Metallica, Def Lypard, Deep Purple, Pink Floyd, Bon Jovi, Aerosmith, AC/DC, Kiss, Hendrix, etc., etc.
Every semester my g/f freaks about her grades and every semester she comes out with a 4.0 GPA. She graduated summa cum laude when she got her bachelors in bio and she's poised to graduate summa cum laude when she gets her masters in teaching.

smart girl > *

Anywho, don't freak out about your grades... if you know you did good then you did good.
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Every semester my g/f freaks about her grades and every semester she comes out with a 4.0 GPA. She graduated summa cum laude when she got her bachelors in bio and she's poised to graduate summa cum laude when she gets her masters in teaching.

smart girl > *

Anywho, don't freak out about your grades... if you know you did good then you did good.

I normally make fun of my girlfriend for sitting by the computer and waiting for grades, but she already went through that this semester.

I just got back from not checking for a day, and my one professor still hasn't posted grades and I think the deadline was on thursday or friday at latest.
Apparently my girlfriend missed out on touching Bon Jovi, which probably would have sent her into a screaming orgasm

I bet thats more than she would get with you :owned:
i couldnt help myself
Hey, I look like Johnny Depp !

Well, kinda., I can. :)

What gets me is that mine doesn't like Jeff for his looks, but his bumbling genius / goofy roles that he does. She loves his goofiness. I act goofy and I sleep on the couch. Life isn't fair.
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Hey, I look like Johnny Depp !

Well, kinda., I can. :)

What gets me is that mine doesn't like Jeff for his looks, but his bumbling genius / goofy roles that he does. She loves his goofiness. I act goofy and I sleep on the couch. Life isn't fair.

You don't have the zest] to have what it takes, Steve...
Accurate, I'm sure. I know exactly what I don't have.

His paycheck.

I think The Onion ran an article about "local man found imprisoned, restrained from imitating scenes from romantic comedy"

It goes to show you can't live up to some people's expectations because of simply who you are and what you look like. :)