Strong Bad Emails

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Senior Member
Someone brought up Strong Bad Email in a previous post, so I was wondering which ones were the most popular. Mine is the CGNU (Crazy Go Nuts University) one. If you don't know what I'm talking about here's a link:

Strong Bad Email

Enjoy :lol:
no vtec, those are MY favorites, i have the techno beat on cd, fuck with that! lol im so getting a trogdor shirt... also the one called cartoon i believe it is, "ARROWS" lmao "OW MY SKIN!" strong bad 0wnz.
ARROWED!!! Teen Girl Squad LOL
Techo, Dragon, Sisters, Little Animal, Friends, and Guitar.
Originally posted by BlackJDMdeath@Mar 10 2003, 05:47 AM
no vtec, those are MY favorites, i have the techno beat on cd, fuck with that! lol im so getting a trogdor shirt... also the one called cartoon i believe it is, "ARROWS" lmao "OW MY SKIN!" strong bad 0wnz.

i believe those are my favorites, i showed you strong bad and you wouldnt know about the tshirts if i didnt tell but hell yeah im getting a trogdor tshirt im ordering it today hell ya :worthy: strong bad :worthy: homestarrunner :worthy: