'The Cressbeckler Stance'

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He's a little homo suckin on his mommas dick...
i love the headlines scrolling by on the bottom

"McAlester OK: Conjugal visit ruined by tornado"
"How to make extra cash by claiming you're autistic -- Full story on 'Today Now' 7-9 A.M. ET"
"Sec files anti-trust charges to break up Enya's monopoly on the massage music market"
"New 'Slim Jim' flavored Snapple made from the worst stuff on earth"

and i cant think of a better way to end a segment than:
"And we're gunna stick it to a whore so we don't lose our mind"
I thought that was what he said...that was awesome.
The Onion news is some funny ass shit i sat down and watched bout an hours worth of it and almost died laughing..
"you're pretty for a Chinese"
"tater disease's what brought us the Irish"
