The how to get your dog to stop crapping in the living room thread

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So we got a new puppy not to long ago, a chocolate colored lab. Its been ok so far, got it to stop barking at night. The only thing I can't get it to do is stop crapping in the apartment! He was yellping the one morning around 5am, he went all over his crate, top to bottom. So I took him out, he went out there, then I set him down inside the apartment and he proceeded to take a dump from one end of the apartment to the other when I cleaned the crate! Its driving me crazy, he has to drop more shit than me! Give me some suggestions guys!

That definitely works. This helps a LOT too:

it may be sick. i gave my dog steak one night and the next was a fuckin mess and the day after. he was spraying out his ass. i stay away from caned food too.
Taser. If you catch the dog shitting, don't say one word... just taser him in the ass.
Ya I'm thinking he may be sick now, he won't be to the vet until next week again tho. Its crazy, hes up to 6-7 times a day in mass quantities! I've had dogs before, but holy shit! (literaly)
it may be sick. i gave my dog steak one night and the next was a fuckin mess and the day after. he was spraying out his ass. i stay away from caned food too.
sorry to bump this but this had me laughing my ass off
if he's draggin his but across the carpet it's worms FTW!

if you run out of ideas start shitting in his doggiebed, he'll get the idea
Go to dog training class, you know, if he's not sick. You've got a pretty intelligent, easy to train dog.

Oh, and ditch that crate shit for god's sake. Crates are the dumbest Dr. Spock for dogs shit to ever hit the scene. It's bad training.
How much are you feeding the dog? Remember, how much shit comes out of a dog is directly related to how much shit goes in.
Ya, we take him outside right away. I still like the crate training, at least the shit is contained in a tupperware like environment. ;) Someone also said it could be hes young and just started eating real food.
i just got a new puppy myself...havent started crate training...but have heard it works...what other alternatives do you suggest then?
i never bothered to crate train my dog... i dont think shes shit in my parents house in years!

she has thrown up though. dad likes to give her too much that doesnt agree with her.