the new sh^t

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Junior Member
:huh: now i heard alote of wierd shit in my day but well come on every body tell your most f#^ked stories or just some wierd sh^t
um...ok... :hmm:

well sice your a newb ill help you out... valentines day is coming up which reminds me of a story..

aight last year i was on my last delivery of the night. it was to a house i go to often and the lady there is always like can i have the hotbag too. well i was pissed at my boss so i came outta nowhere and said and you can have the bag too.(they cost them like 100 bux) and she looked at me all weird and then kissed me.. not a peck like i was expecting...but a full on kiss.. naturally i pull back and look at the man sitting in the den(we were in the kitchen) he was watching and she said thats my husband and he doesnt im no player and i woulda loved to hit the milf but her hubby was there.. so i was like well i have other deliveries and bolted out the that was fucked up.
haahahahahha I so wish that would happen...

me :worthy: :worthy: mike

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