This is why rejection hotlines were made

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I hate watching/listening to train wreck comedy. It's so uncomfortable that I face palm through the entire segment/show.

:werd: That's why I can't watch most British comedy... It's funny, but it's so damn awkward that I can't sit through it.

I think the British are so miserable and uncomfortable all the time that it shows through even in their comedy. ;)
victoria beckham can get it
and if i google image for hot british chick, all it shows me is porn
it as if they know everything about me.... :ph34r:
that list includes an older woman lol
figures the title is british women who are certainly NOT ugly....
thats one hell of a way of saying it

in other news, helen mirren
nude scenes in 6 different decades
here's a semi NSFW shot from a LONG time ago

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