Tranny is acting funny

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So my transmission started to F up today. I drove it home from work and gave the car a good beating, no issues. I then took it out later tonight, and the car is shaking really bad when I engage the clutch starting from rest. The first 5 mph is really shaky, then its fine. I tried really letting the clutch slip from the 1-2 shift, but the shaking wasn't as bad. I also noticed that it is tougher to get the car into gear.

It's an ITR tranny with a stock clutch. My guess is that the clutch might be going, but it still holds under load fine.
So now the car is grinding at every shift unless the revs < 3000. Take-off's are very shaky, and I smell burning up front. I'm pretty sure something is fucked up with the pressure plate. It still holds at wot no problem.
still sounds like the clutch. not sure which part, could be the pressure plate, could be some bearings. take it apart to find out. but i wouldnt' drive on it anymore.
+1 pull it, don't drive it, stop any posable further damage, I blew apart the inner housing of my trans and did notice untill I seen a huge oil puddle in my drive way and went to start my car and it was all sorts of wicked grindage not even in a grear lol, and the fact that my cars clutch wouldnt disinguage anymore.