Transmission problems?

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I recently had to pay $1400 to have the transmission on my Accord EX fixed because the car was reving up and not shifting gears causing it to lag for a few seconds. Now I have a few concerns, and I'm sorry if my questions seem retarded but this is my very first car and I know nothing about cars and have no one to help me...

In any case I've noticed that when the car shifts from 2nd to 3rd it kinda kicks back a little. Its hard to describe but it sort of feels like it stops accelerating for a little less than a second and then kicks back on. I'm not sure if this is normal, if its supposed to happen or if it may be an indication of a problem.

Other than that I recently noticed the block makes a weird clicking noise when switching from drive to reverse quickly, again not sure if that's normal.

Any help is very much appreciated and sorry if my questions seem stupid, I'm a noob :(
Oh sorry, It's an '02 Accord EX 6-cyl. I've got a year warranty on the transmission, I'm taking it back to the shop next week for a check up and I'll ask the guy about it but I'd like to know where I'm standing so he doesn't make a fool of me.
ya one thing with with those warranties, you want to constantly update the shop when you even so much as suspect an issue otherwise they may rule abusive driving to be the culprit.

i have no experience with the 02 accords or their transmissions so i don't know if the noise your hearing in reverse is normal or not. for pre 2000 accords, i know you'll hear a whine in reverse. automatics are inherently slow shifting too. again, idk about your newer-tech transmission but the old ones you have to wait with your foot on the brake for the trans to switch from reverse to drive or visa versa.

and the hesitation, could be the engine, but idk.

got a video cam? maybe post a youtube'd video of the issue...
Well the shifting would be impossible to film... I mean you gotta be driving the car to feel it. As far as the reverse, I noticed it when a friend was testing out the car so I guess maybe he wasn't doing the shift right but idk...

Thanks a lot for the advice though, its only been a week since I got the car out of the shop but I'll try and take it there asap.
yeah, with autos you need to take your time when shifting from reverse to drive.
whats the hurry anyway?
i think its normal..
So the other day I decided to test the car to see if the delay when shifting to 3rd would increase when reving the engine. I stepped on the gas and the car went from 10 to 60mph like nothing, smooth as silk.

Do you guys think the delay in shifting is normal for an auto?
Sorry for the bump but I'm taking my car to the transmission shop tomorrow and I'd like to hear what you guys think about this.

In short, when I'm driving my car it feels like there's a small "gap" while gears shift where the car sort of pulls back a little as if the gear didn't kick in quickly enough. It's most evident when the car goes from 2nd to 3rd while going ~40mph and it seems the "gap" gets narrower as the rpm increases.

I.E. In normal driving my car usually shifts to 3rd around 40mph at around 2k rpm. That's usually when I feel a little pull back as the car shifts. The other day I floored the car from 10mph to 60mph and it shifted from 2nd to 3rd at around 4.5k rpm and I didn't feel any "gap" in the gear-shifting.

Do you guys think there might be a problem with my transmission or is it normal for an automatic to do this?
So I took it to the shop, guy said it was ok. The weird gap in shifting has faded quite a bit, maybe it was because of the recent tranny work idk... I'm happy my car is running well!