Vermont, others, pushing for Bush Impeachment

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Wow man.. that is so cool... I lived in Keene. I know everything you're talking about.

Tell them about "The Ringe Tinge"
I'm sorry to confuse. My sentences kinda ran together. I meant:Vermont sounds good. And on a different subject, what's so special about these sluts in NH.
There. That should be more clear.
So what you are saying is that they are a bunch of trailer park whores? I think they are everywhere. Try visiting an old coal mining town that ran out of coal. Fucking ghost town. Slutty women everywhere, just looking for a free ride.
lol told ya. There is only one wealthy guy that lives in Hinsdale, its because he has 200+ acres of private land with his own heli pad... so he never has to mingle with the locals..
Helicopter eh ? Man, he doesn't even want to be on the GROUND with them. Those are steps that someone takes to avoid zombies outside of the gated compound.