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Dialog of the week...

"What are you doing here?"

"Getting hit by a car."

"Getting hit by a car?




hahahahahha did the guy in the first break his looks like it's backwards...and what the fuck is the story on that? whatd he hit??

2nd video.... I've seen it... gotta love stupid kids.
why would you even do that? i mean, i cannot find the words that would explain how dumb that kid is.
Originally posted by MiguelDelFuego@Feb 14 2004, 12:13 AM
Jesus, then there is this RX-7 that looses it @ 215 mph.

Flippy Clicky

Again if it re-hashed info, please forgive

That's at the end of the dorifto video. In that one it cuts before the shoot opens, that's funny.
That sleepy driver one is funny as phuck!! :lmao:

He ended up in the back like an ass, buahhahahha
Originally posted by NoJokE@Feb 14 2004, 03:28 PM
That sleepy driver one is funny as phuck!! :lmao:

He ended up in the back like an ass, buahhahahha

i could have been in that same situation when i rolled my civic. :shudder:
About the roman candle target guy:

i don't know who is stupider, the guy who fell asleep at the wheel and wasn't wearing his seatbelt, or the kid who voluntarily got run over by a car.