We need to step it up halloween wise, 350Z boards kicking HS boards ass.

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They can build halloween costumes. We can build cars.


I was going to make fun of him but a 350Z is cooler than my car and he has a bike...the wifey won't let me have one so even though he looks like an uber-nerd, he's got better toys than me :(
my pirate costume


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I'm going as a border patrol agent this year.

Only because I am hanging out with a few shit-kicker marine friends.
I think I'm gonna be a cop, there's tons of halloween parties out here....

I have a ton of interviews to go to, today and Monday. But I guess I have the weekend to mock something up.
Wedding on Halloween? :wtf2:

That costume is badass! Now I know what materials to use... I may do it one year.
well.. i'll probably be golfing in the morning.. and i'll just go around the corner to my buddies place and get really drunk.. :shrug2:
That game is ludicrous. I mean what the fuck is the point ?
what, should everything be done in black or blue or navy or green. dammit pink is a color too. i know it might be :ghey: but you know its a color:p geesh
blame steve y0.

wedding is tomorow. all the good parties are on saturday... not tuesday

what is this shit? the crow movie? i would never get married near halloween.