weird headache....

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so, um, i have a headache......
but its not in my head... its like at the very top of my neck on the back side. WTF? anyone ever have one of these before?
yea buddy
welcome to the world of stress headaches

the muscles on your neck get so tense that they start pulling on the back of your skull

believe it or not a massage will prob be good for it
hot showers also work, especially if you have a massaging shower nozzle, just turn the heat up and blast it on your neck
first step, take advil, or excedrim tension headache
then hop in the shower if you can
30 minutes and it'll be gone

you can also push on either side of your neck just below your skull in a direct line behind your ears
there's a bone there that'll move back and forth and can relieve some of the pain

the basic setup is the whole weight of your head rest on a bone approx the size of a ring, the bone sticks out on either side and you can actually push it back and forth

try it
chiropractor and massage will do the trick. and try sleeping in a bed instead of your couch.
Stress Headaches. I get one everyday. Plus looking at the computer all day long doesn't help it much either as your head stays relatively still.
well, i popped some alka seltzer (only thing close to asprin i have in the house) and we'll see how things go.
What are the signs and symptoms of the first outbreak of genital herpes?

Some people experience very mild genital herpes symptoms or no symptoms at all, so they don't even know they are infected. However, for many people the first outbreak is often the worst, and genital herpes symptoms can be quite painful.

The main signs of genital herpes are sores around the vagina, on the penis, or near the anus. Sometimes genital herpes sores appear on the scrotum, buttocks, or thighs. The sores may appear about 4 to 7 days after infection. They usually begin as a rash of red bumps. The bumps then turn into blisters. It is common for the blisters to open up, sometimes causing severe pain. In time, the sores will scab over and heal. The first outbreak of genital herpes usually lasts 10 to 20 days until healing is complete.
During the first outbreak, many people have other genital herpes symptoms:

Swollen glands in the groin
Discharge from the vagina or penis
Painful or difficult urination
Muscle ache

wanna go camping?
i'm pretty sure everyone knows i don't have herpies..... since it requires intervention to get it....
• Aspirin 325 mg
• Heat treated sodium bicarbonate 1916 mg
• Citric acid 1000 mg
• Alka-Seltzer® in water contains principally the antacid sodium citrate and the analgesic sodium acetylsalicylate.
well, the original alta seltzer has a decent amount of asprin so it might help
Another thing that helps but is extremely painful, is to have somebody press down extremely hard on the sides of your neck right where they meet your shoulders... It is extreme pressure point, but when that muscle gets relaxed it feels SO GOOD and your arms & shoulders will actually hang lower because of the relaxation.
hrm, maybe i'll have my designer give me a massage before she leaves :ph34r:

lol j/p

speaking of, my place is almost done. shit looks hot :)