What a day driving to work

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Originally posted by hotrodaccord97@Dec 2 2003, 02:20 PM
any have any information that can help me 97accord auto to 5speed swap

wtf are you doing in my thread n00b? especially since we are talking about weather not about swapping!!! Go fkn look at the correct forum and/or article.


edit: :doh: E beat me to him.
yeah Steve it was bad here in meriden as well. what should of taken my wife 15-20 mins to drive to work took her 2.25 hrs.(usually leaves the house at 7:30am) and she even left about 30-40mins late to give the roads time to thaw.

ans I didn't attempt to leave the house till 9:30am and the road I took in crosses over hte high way and 91S was still backed up for as long as eyes could see
Originally posted by sisteve@Dec 2 2003, 03:25 PM
yeah people reallly need to learn how to drive in bad conditions...

The majority of drivers are quite to forget how to drive in extreme conditions. They don't even seem to put any effort into their driving at all. I'm sure a bunch of them still insisted on using their cellphones while driving just to yak to their friends how bad the conditions were. <_<
I was a playing with the AE86 on the ICE all morning.....man that car is fun.....almost to fun.

in stratford we had a small snow dudting..but a lot of black ICE....
Originally posted by 94RedSiGal@Dec 2 2003, 04:06 PM
I'm sure a bunch of them still insisted on using their cellphones while driving just to yak to their friends how bad the conditions were. <_<

i do that :ph34r:
while rippin E-brake "driftin" corners

gotta tell everyone where to go for the ***CODE WHITE***
It only took me 22 mintues to get to work at 9am. It usually takes me 22 minutes. I think I was the only person in CT that made it to work in normal time. I heard 84 and 91 were parking lots.