Whistle Tips

  • Thread starter Thread starter zueke
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Senior Member
If you haven't seen this yet... otherwise I haven't seen it on here so I thought everyone would enjoy this.Whistle Tips
Type R


:ph34r: :woo:
Does it count as away when I just don't have time to read anything on here unless I don't go into work (like I did today)? I seriously only check on here maybe 3 times a month, so all sorts of things pass by me. I figured it has already been on here, but its damn funny.

I love how rubb cuts the lane and blows thru the stop sign on the video. What a testiment to ricers and fuktards ev'erwhere

some peepoles is jus ig'nant y0!!

Man i am so glad the dude didnt say shizzz ma nizzz those are my whizzzle tippzle woot woot :spin: