wirring the hatch?

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Senior Member
ive looked around for a long time for wirring diagrams for this coversion..and i have found them but here are my problems..

1..the dizzy wires are supposed to match up ( color for color) and they dont..

2.i cant figure out what clips are a,b and c...
when i thought i had this figured out the colors didnt match up..

3.ia just getting to stressed and i need to get my car running again..

any advice / help would be great..

mike d
Shit its too bad I forgot what I did when I did this last year. Its really not that hard to do the conversion. What color wires do you have that won't match up? To find out which plug is a,b,c look on some of the dpfi-mpfi conversion sites. You might also get a pin out of the distributor.