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I say do one burnout a day just to piss them off. Since when does not liking your neighbors give some one the right to dictate what they can or can't do one their own property (so long as they are not breaking the law), Sounds like most of you don't care about personal liberties. If I wanna burn the tires off my car in my driveway, so long as it's not during so called "quiet hours" I'm damn well free to do it. I bought the shit and I pay for it, it's my right to be an ass if I want.

Not saying I would do it, but damn I thought someone here would understand the concept of owning property and the constitution.
It's called common courtesy. You'd think someone of your age would learn it...

It's like you saving someone a seat in the movie theaters and just because i wanna be an ass, I sit down in the seat you're saving. I paid for a ticket just like you did, I have the right to sit anywhere I want... You see where i'm going with this?
all legality aside, i'm with blanco on this one. grow up dude. doing a burnout in your driveway is just outright stupid. i would've called the cops on you too if it was done more than once (and you said 3 times)
If I do burnouts, I do them before I go on the track, or onramps of highways; all of which are pretty acceptable.

But in your driveway? Srsly. Those people who would see you know where you live.

I'm keeping an eye on you.. 2 posts and you're sensibly fighting the good fight.

As for you other people, pull your thong out of your pussy. The cops themselves did a burn-out on my street a few weeks ago. The sounds of tirescreeching , even 3 times, isn't going to hurt you.

Anyone here who would "call the cops" deserves a firmly planted foot in the ass. My old neighbors used to call the cops on me all the time, and if you say "Well, yeah they called the cops on you for loud exhaust(Connecticut)" then a few years from then it'll be "They called the cops because you have a GW Bush bumper sticker(California)" and then it's "They called the cops because you were installing aftermarket wheels (Germany)" and then you're only a few inches away from "They called the cops on you because you were listening to Madonna (Saudi Arabia)"
It's called common courtesy. You'd think someone of your age would learn it...

It's like you saving someone a seat in the movie theaters and just because i wanna be an ass, I sit down in the seat you're saving. I paid for a ticket just like you did, I have the right to sit anywhere I want... You see where i'm going with this?

You're missing the point. The point is private property, period. What part of private don't you people understand. I'm a good neighbor and try very hard not to piss my neighbors off, but if I'm doing something on my property(that is legal of course) that they don't like they can go f themselves. For instance most of us here work on cars, correct, we see nothing wrong with it. How would you feel if your neighbor started bitching about your beloved project car cause they saw it as an eye sore cause it's up on jack stands while you put a new tranny in. To take it a step further they call the code enforcement on you cause while you do mow your lawn you can get right up to the jack stands with the mower and there is that thin line of tall grass you can't get with the mower around the car, and that puts you in violation of town code.
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You're missing the point. The point is private property, period. What part of private don't you people understand. I'm a good neighbor and try very hard not to piss my neighbors off, but if I'm doing something on my property(that is legal of course) that they don't like they can go f themselves. For instance most of us here work on cars, correct, we see nothing wrong with it. How would you feel if your neighbor started bitching about your beloved project car cause they saw it as an eye sore cause it's up on jack stands while you put a new tranny in. To take it a step further they call the code enforcement on you cause while you do mow your lawn you can get right up to the jack stands with the mower and there is that thin line of tall grass you can't get with the mower around the car, and that puts you in violation of town code.

I've been sued 3 times for this same scenario. They couldn't get me on the grass thing, but that town had an ordinance about car repair outside of a garage. That's why I wound up getting rid of my Firebird.
I'm more scared of the TÃœV than I am the cops. Do a burn out, and people start asking if your car is legal, then the TÃœV steals away your inspection sticker........ Not cool.
I've been sued 3 times for this same scenario. They couldn't get me on the grass thing, but that town had an ordinance about car repair outside of a garage. That's why I wound up getting rid of my Firebird.
that's what you get for living in CT.
They never won those lawsuits. They won the lawsuit that plays with property lines, that's it. All I had to do is move the cars away from the line more. Since then, I've sold or moved out all of the cars that were giving head aches.

It's not the state man, it's my horrendous ex-neighbors.
Maryland is WAY MORE fucked up than CT. Their gun laws are draconian and the police go completely unchecked.
The Californian mindset kicks in again. I'm going to chain myself to the wall and chomp at a horsebit for a while.
No dude, I think you're the one missing the point. Your rights end when they infringe on the rights of others. It's called "Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness". :)
First of all no they don't. My rights are my rights, if you don't like me exercising my liberties, feel free to move to china. And if I follow you logic I can't do anything you don't like, kinda like in north korea? I have rights and just because someone dosen't like what I'm doing, does not mean I'm automatically wrong. I mean think of all the dumb ass offensive teeshirts out there, I don't like it around my son, but too bad for me.
my tires dont screech thats the thing,,it just sounds like im driving quick on a dirt road,and my exhaust sure the hell isnt loud,,i wasnt hurting them and it was the middle of a talking like 3pm..
the cops even said if im going to fuck around then i need to be quiet,and keep it off the streets,because my car isnt legit..
basically the neighbo is trying to make us move because he hasnt liked us since day one,
I'm curious how your mom feels about you fucking up her driveway... pavement is expensive and i've seen the marks tires can leave, basically destroying a nice driveway
Common example. You have the freedom of speech, but you'll still get in trouble if you yell "fire" into a crowded theater.

Your neighbor making an inordinate amount of noise, that infringes on your right to peace and quiet, is an offense. I've played drums for 20 years, I'm extremely familiar with this aspect. Like B16Racer said, just because you're on your property doesn't mean that you can do whatever you want. You're still very capable of breaking laws and being arrested for it. Any time your neighbors want to complain about the noise you're making, they can complain. If they complain about you mowing the lawn, the cops won't do much. If they complain about you playing around, they'll tell you to stop. If I'm working on my car at 2pm, it's all good. If I'm working on my car 2am, it's not all good.
that's pretty much what I've been saying. You can do what you want so long as you're not breaking the law. Most towns have a specified "quiet time" so to speak. As long as you're not doing it during that time, you are well within your rights.
the thing is... regardless of legality, its never a good idea to be known by the cops in your town as a troublemaker, sure they might get called to your house 4 times a week and you might just get a verbal warning every time because you are not "breaking the law", but you are still annoying the shit out of them, and when you do finally hit the street, chances are they are going to make your life a living hell, busting you for every little thing you do. even if you arent doing a damn thing wrong. "you looked like you were swerving in your lane a bit back there, had anything to drink tonight?... license and registration please" 10 minutes later "anything in the car i should know about? weapons? alcohol? drugs?" ... "mind if i look through the car?"... 45 minutes later "your free to go, drive safely" .... "we've had reports of a car that looks like your racing around the streets around here... license and registration please".... "looked like you were going through that corner a little fast... license and registration please"

essentially they are going to make your life suck, because you are known as a troublemaker

if you werent being a douche and the neighbors were calling the cops, id say fuck the neighbors... and the cops would likely look at it the same way...
but regardless of why the cops are showing up, be polite and respectful to them, this will make you look like less of a young douche bag in their eyes, and might get you a little slack if they start to see the neighbors as being the douche bags for always calling them for every little bit of noise you make... then the tables turn
I'm curious how your mom feels about you fucking up her driveway... pavement is expensive and i've seen the marks tires can leave, basically destroying a nice driveway
i didnt sit in one spt and burn,the car pulled up the driveway..didnt leave any marks,and the driveway was wet