COD: Black ops

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Well I have beatin it on Normal. Now the "fun" part begins... Veteran is going to blow me thinks
we picked this up today. Didn't know the cars existed until one blew me up. I was laughing so hard.

One thing i did notice was that depending on the level, you're weapons choice makes a huge difference. Some levels have nearly zero sniper locations, and some levels just have too much open space for the shotgun. Made certain rounds of the multi-player very annoying.

i noticed the same i still dont know if i like it or not. My little brother loves it, says it way better than mw2 but i am still not sure. And i didnt know how bad i sucked with no good wepons and atatchments........... But i will play some more before i give it a yay or nay.................
I like how YOU control the Huey movements and gun in the chopper gunner and gunship killstreaks. One thing I always hated about the chopper gunner for MW2 is that it just moved sporadically, and sometimes not at all while stingers are being shot at it.
I am definitely loving the Hardcore section of the online. Free for all on hardcore is definitely an added plus and I ended up going 27 and 3 last night on WMD running around with a silenced Galil haha.

Hardcore S&D is still and always will be my favorite game mode, and its the only one that actually gets my adrenaline pumping lol..
HELL NO! This game has been worth every penny. The customization of multiplayer is awesome, and the campain is really good too. Keep in mind DO NOT expect the graphics in the game to look like MW2, because they don't, but they are still up there. I love the game to say the least and MW2 will not see my xbox for a while haha..
don't fork out 60. take some old games and trade them in for credit. I paid 18 for this game. also, I've played a total of one game online, so obviously I haven't gotten far into it yet.
One thing i really like about the game is that u can have guests and play online like Halo..... and that you can dive behind stuff
Yeah, that's why I said the AI is shit.

MP is fun though, even with the problems it has on PC now.
Damn... some tools are already finding their way out of the maps. It's been out for two days, and Nuketown already has people sitting outside it...
One of the downsides to non public betas :( that's something I think Bungie does very well. I'll be online this evening though so if you see me on shoot me an invite
We caught a bunch of guys trying to do that last night so me and a buddy camped where we could see the spot where they get out of the map, and just constantly shot them haha, pissed them off
got my copy. i'll be on tonight. i'll message a few of you jokers.

clint: what userid are you using for this?
he's using murderface. I hate regular deathmatch... level 19 needs to hurry up.
wont be on tonight.. but i will be in the morning.. oh and i'm still stuck at that one spot on campaign.. literally a day and a half now
Ill be on in about 30 minutes, I'm a level 23 I believe so if you guys want to play Hardcore TDM let me know.