COD: Black ops

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^^^^^so does this mean AI characters are fucking retarded?
:werd: enough of us have it that we could make a team of 6 easy..

Drake, dont know what the hell was up w/ my shit last night.. couldnt join a match so i restarted and tried to join then it said i couldnt because i had updated playlists and would be able to play w/ you again until you restart.. :shrug2: i think they're still fixing bugs in online play

Had that problem when I tried to accept your invite yesterday.

And I agree with Drake, we could very easily make a 6 person team online this weekend and stomp some n00bs y0!
damn, did anyone else get this for PC? not really a fan of consoles after getting a gaming capable computer.
that ending was a little disappointing... but the campaign is quite intense.
on regular... took me about 4 hours. had to beat it so I can go outside like Chris told me to.
I started it on veteran.. hard take a while to beat
I'm going to do it on easy to find the intel and learn it a little better before I try it on veteran.
they put marathon and ninja in the same perk tier? blah. can't do a rds and masterkey at the same time? what? the shotguns are a primary weapon? fuck...
i still see no point in ninja so just trash it
i preordered the game and picked it up at midnight played from 330 (when i left the womans house) till 930 and then worked from 10-5 but im playing it now and i love the game i thinks its awesome. if anyone wants to play live my name on xbox is

I'll add you tonight. I'm pretty terrible btw :p

Ha, that's alright. I'm okay, but not great, so no worries...

I like how you can play against the AI and they take your friends names.

Yeah, I noticed that too. Kinda funny...

they put marathon and ninja in the same perk tier? blah. can't do a rds and masterkey at the same time? what? the shotguns are a primary weapon? fuck...

Yup, the perks are all switched up. Works out nice for some combos (ex: marathon, lightweight, steady aim for SMG rushing), but eliminates some of the other popular MW2 combos. And yeah, if you're using the tube, master-key, or flamethrower then no other attachments. Kinda lame.

And yeah, kind of odd not being able to whip out a shotty after firing your primary, but you get used to it...
I most likely won't play this online much. a shotgun is NEVER going to be a primary. thats what I hated about COD4.
Ugh. Ok, it's not as bad yet, and hopefully won't be if there's no tactical knife, haven't looked yet, but the empty a magazine into someone's face and they stab you is still very present :(. Flags seem to turn faster if you are alone, the remote controlled car is weird to control at first but is in a word ...awesome.
We picked this up today. Didn't know the cars existed until one blew me up. I was laughing so hard.

One thing I did notice was that depending on the level, you're weapons choice makes a huge difference. Some levels have nearly zero sniper locations, and some levels just have too much open space for the shotgun. Made certain rounds of the multi-player very annoying.