COD: Black ops

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I feel the same way most times... It never ceases to amaze me. I'll take a Stoner and just spray back and forth across 2-3 people running in my direction, and the one guy standing behind them will tag me with one shot.
Werd. But this time its the guy right In front of me, the same guy whos head I just put a bullet through.
Basic I believe. He told me he'd be gone a while, Ill see if I can dig up the message. I think he's coming back and then getting deployed shortly after.

i thought that jarhead was already in the military? last he told me was that he's going to sniper school. unless he's full of shit.
off his facebook

Matt Wander
Missing my family and her. Only a couple of months in hell though.
Like · · 15 August at 21:07 via Mobile ·

looks like he's somewhere for a couple of months
He is. And though he has a slight jar shaped head, he's no jarhead. But, I couldn't find the message. Think it was an IM. All I do remember for sure is at one point we were talking about my M4, and he said once he got back from training he wanted to get the same stock and guards as me before he deployed. So It cant be actual deployment yet. Oh and he is past basic, I remember now. There was something about wanting to go to sniper training school, but its weird because he was given light machine gun duty before. :confused:
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more range of motion.. takes a few hours to get used to..
Yeah Mat is off at training. I've been meaning to send him a message too.

Now for more on topic goodness. I don't use my control without the chat pad connected. I like the extra weight on the control. I've though about getting the FPS freak extensions too. Maybe I'll put that on my Christmas list. As for sensitivity I run at 7 unless I've been away for a long time I'll drop it to five and work back up to 7
I tried to do 6 once, until I spun around to shoot an enemy behind me and accidently spun a full 360 and shot my own teammate and killed myself instead.
lmao would have made a good Fail video. Play combat training and move it up one point every few matches. You'll get used to it. Makes you soo much quicker. You can actually move your gun while shooting and keep up with a moving target.
Yeah Mat is off at training. I've been meaning to send him a message too.

Now for more on topic goodness. I don't use my control without the chat pad connected. I like the extra weight on the control. I've though about getting the FPS freak extensions too. Maybe I'll put that on my Christmas list. As for sensitivity I run at 7 unless I've been away for a long time I'll drop it to five and work back up to 7

get the extensions and you'll want it at 10.. fast when you need it, but easy to control
i've got the shaky hands, all my movements on blops seem to be twitchy and spastic at the higher levels.
i think i played a couple hours on 4 or 5 lastnight, trying to bump it up
my tv may have too slow of a ms response time, or some other sort of issue.

hit 5th prestige on xbox lastnight
now the ps3 has a full prestige to go to catch up. i think its still on 3rd.
switching between the 2 systems always takes some getting used to
i always flashbang myself multiple times
and now that i've played the xbox so consistently its even harder to go back to ps3
the adjustment period never really seems to end now
flashbanging myself just becomes a part of the challenge
Only system I ever have played on was the xbox, and I still continually throw flashbangs out, only for them to hit the wall and come back at me so I end up flashbanging myself.
lmao, i do the same thing
i try to stick with the willy pete now
the controls on ps3 and xbox are the same except for the top 4 buttons, right side being trigger and grenade
so when you try and aim you throw the flashbang instead, same when you try to shoot, you throw the grenade

ghost pro is a cunt before level 30 when you can unlock the strella
the m72 can only take out one plane per life, or half a chopper

prob should have gone for my standard 3, lightweight, sleight, and marathon, had them all unlocked by level 30 to get ghost pro