COD: Black ops

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I joined your lobby, and you must have been away. So I just started playing.

Damn those are some bad ass tom kills.
Last edited:
17,539 kills
17,636 deaths (.99)
1,321 Headshots
2,019 Assists

.99 to 1.25 doesnt sound like much but when youre this damn deep into it, das allotta kills.

Yeah, you'd have to post pretty ridiculous scores on a regular basis to up it significantly at this point. Mine's always hovered right around 1.25. I think it's 1.24 at the moment. I don't remember my exact numbers, but I've got 60,000 something kills...
Got bored and made a few videos today.

We need a montage! Even Rocky had a montage!
These guys were talking mad shit pre game, and called us campers after a match on Firing Range. I run and gun the shit out of that map so I decided to show them what camping really looks like. Haha
Black Ops- We Need a Montage! - YouTube

This is actually from that "camping" match just before that one. Got another blind stick double kill. Not a headshot this time though, but, I did manage to stick the Flak Jacketed guy. Otherwise it wouldnt have killed him. Haha Saw them on radar.
Blind Stick Double Kill - YouTube

Played some HC CTF. I got 2 caps the first round after being down two for the tie. And then in this one I got two more to secure the win. We were already up 1-0 and the match was about to end but I wanted to go for one more just because. Sped up to 1.8x for time constraints.

First off, I have no idea what the line at the begining is that trailed my shots. It wasnt there in gameplay or editing, and I know Im going to get accused of cheating or something for it.
Last Second Cap COD Black Ops - YouTube

When I heard them say the took our flag when I was on the way back I soooo hoped Id see him on the way to my base. Luckily I did after barely missing knifing my own guy. haha Then the guy that killed me at the end really should have had me before I dove. I love how it ends. Barely made it.
wtf rifle do you use? Mine wobbles all over the place like crazy, and I never see people just tunnel into one spot like that.
looks like the WA2000.. its great for that.. what i normally use, just trying different snipers right now
Yea. The Walther 2000 is a beast! It has very little recoil movement. Some of those shots you're hearing are just from the editing. Like on the 3-4 round burst part, there was really only 2 shots taken. lol Also some of those are slowed down.
Saw this tonight at the pizza place. I thought it was funny that he wrote it on the bathroom wall.
Finally hit 15/50 last night! Now I just have to finish getting pro on all the perks...
What is everyone running for sensitivity?
I went from default 2, to level 3 and noticed an improvment in game play
i also tried out levels 4 and 5, but couldnt get the hang of it

i hear on the youtubes or in game chat about people running a level 7 sensitivity, but i also hear that the people who play professionally use a 2 or 3 because of the increased accuracy.
Between 7-9 depending on how long its been since I last played. I could NEVER play that low. Haha Even when I started I was on like 4-6
Basic I believe. He told me he'd be gone a while, Ill see if I can dig up the message. I think he's coming back and then getting deployed shortly after.
Robbed! Its hard to see the second guy, he jumps off the tractor.
Robbed on Double Headshot COD Black Ops - YouTube

:bs: I should have at least gotten one of those kills. I clearly shot first and dead on in all three peoples cams.

I feel the same way most times... It never ceases to amaze me. I'll take a Stoner and just spray back and forth across 2-3 people running in my direction, and the one guy standing behind them will tag me with one shot.
What is everyone running for sensitivity?
I went from default 2, to level 3 and noticed an improvment in game play
i also tried out levels 4 and 5, but couldnt get the hang of it

i hear on the youtubes or in game chat about people running a level 7 sensitivity, but i also hear that the people who play professionally use a 2 or 3 because of the increased accuracy.

I run between 7 to 10 depending on the guns that I'm using. For SMGs I go higher, for longer range weapons I go a little lower...
after using them i cant play without them.. lol.. weird getting used to at first.. but i think they do help some, its just been so long since ive played w/ a regular controller, except on my buddies ps3 .. and i suck on that