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Here's an idea. Everyone just stop responding to "the bitch's" comments. She's obviously an attenton whore, knows it, and loves it.

Remember kids, how do we kill an attention whore? No attention. She will die a slow death like all the rest of the attention whores. Read her posts if you must, but just scroll past them and ignore her.

Last time, I checked, 98% of the people who post are in the U.S. Therefore, you WILL convert your worthless Candian sheep-raping Mountie money into U.S. dollars, and guess what? You WILL fucking like it. Here's a hint : 0.85 : 1.00

I can speak Spanish, but over 1/2 of the board won't understand it, so I don't type it unless it has no meaning whatsoever, is irrelevant, or is just useless altogether.

Sometimes even the greatest assholes -- Tony "Sand-in-the-turbo" D and Havok must unite to destroy a benevolent force known as a Canadian.

And before anyone tries to give me shit, ask yourself this: How much drama was on this board before "the bitch" came in waving her vagina around? If I remember correctly, not since the "M" word from ClubSi--another woman...Coincidence? I think not.

:sleep: *yawn* The only way you know how to get attention is bashing me. (Ironic on your part)
For some odd reason you think im gonna explode on you and start a big old drama fit.
All I can say is you shouldnt be concerned about how other people respond to my post, or be so eager to tell people how to act on HS if you truely dont care. Here's an IDEA: Take your own advice and leave me the fuck alone.
Puedo hablar espanol tambien y soy injustificado en esta tabla.

Se tambien como convertir dolares canadienses a dolares de US. . Es todavia injustificado porque yo no cuido.

Y Dena no puede hablar espanol... tan que acabo de decir.. Joderia la mierda fuera de ella.

I use proper spanish when I write you can tell. :mrgreen:

GrammAr and spelling shouldn't mean shit if it's understandable.
I can speak espanol tambien and I am unwarranted in this board.

Itself tambien as to convert dolares Canadian to dolares of US. . Is todavia unwarranted because I do not take care of.

And Dena he cannot speak espanol... so that I have just said. Joderia the crap out of her. > You
I can speak spanish too and it's pointless on this board.

I also know how to convert Canadian dollars to US dollars. It's still pointless because I don't care.

And if Dena can't speak spanish... so I'll just say... I'd fuck the shit out of her
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How much drama was on this board before "the bitch" came in waving her vagina around?

thats a bit harsh eh?

and we have more drama than that..
we have resident fraternity drama boy
resident man whore drama boy with a wifey
pissedoffhousebuying drama
and of course the ever loveable mr jail bird/babys mama/i got tha killa splerms y0 drama !!!y0ne
hey i havent had any drama in over a month, dont lump me together with them. haha

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I've came to the conclusion that some of you guys dont know how to talk to girls, and most of you guys just dont like girls who get more attention than you, and the very obvious few dont have minds of their owns (followers), and the rest just dont care.
i can talk to women. im actually very good at it. but i do fall into the category of not really caring, you just entertain me with all your shananagans.