Forza Motorsport 4

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season pass for $30, includes all track packs and car packs
Was looking for random cars to drift before I submitted that Supra pic and took this. I love how with the damage it looks like the Ka is screaming through the turn. Kind of Cars-esque. Shoulda just used it...


Hitting 88mph!
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I need to work on drifting. I suck at it. Thats why I faked it in the contest... :eek:

As you (eg) saw on the Saleen Truck I sent you, I modified my military camo into a Mossy Oak "Obsession" looking camo.


It was selling HUGE in the Auction House yesterday. Made nearly $2 million off of it on Camaros, Saleens, even CTRs and GMC's.. :D
painting it that solid green must have taken some effort for sure :)
I always sucked at drifting. I recall the one time I played online with you on Forza 2, we were on nurburgring and all you did was stay behind us all drifting through the course. I ended up destroying my Miata that race. lol
Got an honorable mention in this weeks pic contest! Fuuuuuuuuuuck I wanted to podium, but I'll take the free car. Wonder what I'll get...
I think 1 2 and 3 get to pick, maybe HMs will too. But I doubt it. Either way Ive got my Unicorn. :) Not bad for my first week.

Did you see how all the people bitchin about the picks? Im not mad like those folks, but I kind of agree 1 is decent, 2 is meh, no smoke and a super shitty angle, and 3 is straight BS. I havent looked at the other HMs pics but Im guessing there were a few at least more deserving of 2 and 3.
its funny because i had a good Top Secret s15 pic that i was gonna use, but figured they wouldnt pick a unicorn to win a unicorn