Going in to record...

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Off the top of my head? At least 20. How many have moved on to bigger labels? Three. One of which you've heard of.

Anyone ever heard of Wonderful Life? A.K.A. Drowning Pool?

The demo that got Wonderful Life signed was done here. They're originally from this area.

edit: almost forgot to ask you...how many cd's have YOU put out?
I engineered. It was mixed/mastered by Tom Peirce Baker, at Stonewall Studios in Groveton.

The whole Drowning Pool/Wonderful Life story:

Started out as a rock band from Lufkin/Nacogdoches in 1992. Originally called 'Wonderful Life'. In 1993 they moved to Dallas and were featured on the Live From Smokin' Dave's vol.1 compilation, recorded live at Smokin' Dave's Rock Room in Dallas, and produced by Tom Peirce Baker. That same year they moved back to Lufkin/Nac, kicked out their bass player, hired Stevie Benton (current DP bass player). In 1995 they moved BACK to Dallas, started going by Drowning Pool, and were featured on the Lost in Dallas Compilation regorded at Ground Zero Studios in Irving, produced by Tom Peirce Baker. After that, Tom became Drowning Pool's manager/producer, and they moved back to Lufkin. They then played a show at Pineywoodstock 97 under their old name (Wonderful Life), because Drowning Pool was not yet a big name, and everyone in this area knew them as Wonderful Life. That same year, they recorded a 4-song demo, also under the name 'Wonderful Life', at Stonewall Studio in Groveton. Shortly after that, they broke up, Stevie Benton took the demo to Dallas, found 3 new bandmates (current DP...well, up until the singer kicked off), submitted the demo which was recorded at Stonewall, and got signed with whoever. I never really kept up with them after that.

That's essentially what happened. It's been a while, and I was a little kid (a little kid, however, who was an engineer nonetheless), so I don't remember everything exactly.

Like I said, I've been working in the studio since I was like 12. Think what you like, and feel free to record your professional-quality 3-hour-recording-time cd's in your parent's basement. I really could care less.

Would you like fries with that?
My band did 16 songs in 6 hours, then mixed it over the course of two weeks. The mix was fucked because we used three different mixers and sets of speakers, but hey, it needed to be in.

You can spend as much time as Civious says, but it is very doable in a much shorter time. I have heard some amazing records come out of quick sessions.
I'm just speaking from experience, and from what sounds best. Not what takes the least amount of time and is cheapest. More time = better quality.
Originally posted by caffeind@Nov 22 2004, 12:38 PM
In an attempt to be cool like civicious, i'll make a thread about my band.

Friday i found out we are going to spend three 12 hour days in the studio with Lee Dyess (the guy who did evergreen terrace's first cd). Its up in valdosta georgia, but it'll be worth the drive.

We are a hardcore band from blountstown florida (sorta near panama city). We sound like hopesfall but with breakdowns.

I'll be sure to post up the mp3s when we are done. We will probably only have time for 3 songs.
Mayfield website
[post=420420]Quoted post[/post]​

Anyways, back to the original topic.

Good luck in the studio, man. Let me know when you get some mp3's up, I'd like to hear them.

i apologize if i find it highly unlikely if a band is going to trust any aspect of the recording of there cd in the hands of a kid as young as 12 or any highschool kid for that fact.

if i could find a copy of the cd id tell you who produced it, but i dont remember the guys name off the top of my head as this has been years ago.
it was recorded and finished in less then a day at some guys studio in pensecola, florida and is just as good if not better quality then your bands cd.

that is all there is to it.

i could work at titan motorsports as a shop maintenance man and tell everyone i helped build the fastest street legal supra in the world. when in fact all i did was sweep up there shit at the end of the day. and nothing short of calling and checking on my position would prove different, which i dont think this is worth a fraction of the effort. it would be awfully easy for you to say you had an integral part of the recording of 100 cd's, considering your dad owns the studio, when in fact for all i know you just sat in the studio and watched it all go down.

30 to 40 hours to finish a normal 3 to 5 minute song is ridiculous
Listen, ballsack, I never said that I alone recorded the cd. I engineered. Do you know what that means? I said 'Ready? Standby....' hit record, and said 'Rolling'. Did I ever say I did any more? No. Am I more qualified than you in a studio? Yes.

Do you work in a studio? I doubt it. In fact, I doubt you could even tell me what ADAT stands for and who originally made it. You have NOT proven yourslef to be qualified to be an authoritiy on this subject. Your only response is 'well, thats a long time to spend recording, blah blah blah'.

I am also not comparing the quality of my band's cd to this. My band's cd was recorded over a period of 3 months in the guitar player's trailer house on his computer using Intrax. Not in a studio.

Get your information right, shut the fuck up, and go back to pulling your pud. You're shitting on a thread.

I was originally giving this guy advice. Unless you can prove yourself to be more qualified than me,


end of discussion. Someone lock this or get back to the original fucking post.
I don't know any band that isn't on a label that can afford top pay for studio time to spend 30-40 hours recording each song on an album. Bands that do that are on labels, and having it paid for, or blowing a load in hopes of getting played.
Okay well just to clear stuff up, whether it takes 30-40 hours to do one song or not isnt the issue. We have 900$ and we are going to record three songs. That is the issue. I trust Lee because members of our band have recorded with him before and he did an excellent job. This CD should be good enough quality to send to a lable and honestly that is all we care about. I mean, like you said civicous, a better quality CD will get picked up quicker by a lable, but we cant afford a better quality CD so we are making do with what we have.

Forthcoming's CD was awesome and yeah they did it in some guys house. I dont really know how to argue that with you. I mean, i know you worked in a studio and all but that doesnt change the fact that their CD sounds really good. If you would like to, we could make a thread with a song that took 30 hours to record it and one of forthcomings songs that took them like 3 hours to record it and vote to see if the quality is worth the price difference. but that seems like a lot of work.

Now for those of you interested in my band, we are playing a show in blountstown florida with Underoath in january. If you live in the anywhere between tallahassee or pensacola you should come check it out.

thank you for all of the advice.
whats the going rate in a studio these days? 60 bucks an hour? sorry if thats way off as i dont remember lol

if so just as an example

30 hours a song for a 15 track cd would come out to $27000 to record the cd
Originally posted by micah@Nov 23 2004, 10:37 AM
whats the going rate in a studio these days? 60 bucks an hour? sorry if thats way off as i dont remember lol

if so just as an example

30 hours a song for a 15 track cd would come out to $27000 to record the cd
[post=420989]Quoted post[/post]​

i'd opt for the s2k ;)
Originally posted by micah@Nov 22 2004, 04:24 PM
lol civicious

my brothers band completed a whole cd in 1 day and its VERY good quality. was in a studio set up in the back of a guys house in pensecola, he did everything on the cd.

look up the band forthcoming from united edge records and listen to the cd if you can.
[post=420600]Quoted post[/post]​

No way. How many songs? 2
Originally posted by integraslut78+Nov 23 2004, 08:35 PM-->
@Nov 22 2004, 04:24 PM
lol civicious

my brothers band completed a whole cd in 1 day and its VERY good quality. was in a studio set up in the back of a guys house in pensecola, he did everything on the cd.

look up the band forthcoming from united edge records and listen to the cd if you can.
[post=420600]Quoted post[/post]​

No way. How many songs? 2
[post=421122]Quoted post[/post]​

If whoever is setting up the equipment knows what they are doing and the band is competent, that's no problem at all. In my experiance, and it isn't some shallow pond I'm drawing from either, expensive studios are only good for two things, polishing turds, and blowing money. I have seen and heard thousands of one take, house studio records that blow away many major label releases.
I didn't say it can't be done. Nor did I say it takes 30-40 hours to record a song. There's a LOT more involved than going in, sitting down, playing a song or four, and being done.

Blanco - Did I say it takes 30-40 hours to record a song? NO. I DID NOT SAY IT TAKES THIRTY OR FOURTY HOURS TO RECORD. There's a LOT more involved than PLAYING a song. This brings up the same thing with nailing it in two takes.

You cannot go into a studio, play a song once, and be done with it. Actually playing the song takes less time than anything. Most of your time goes to mixing, mastering, and production.

Caffeind - Like I said, I wasnt trying to start a flame war. I was trying to give you advice. I apologize for the inconvenience.
"Plan on spending around 30-40 hours per song, including time spent mixing and mastering."

When people say record a song, they don't mean it literally. They mean, when its 100 percent complete, its a recorded song.

And it's better to have a professional recording so if you get picked up by a label they don't have to rerecord it? Are serious? You could spend 100k per song on a recording, and guess what? They're still going rerecord you.
Unless it's a rare situation like mine where the label doesn't want to sign you just then, but instead put one of your songs on a compilation CD, then they just take the song.

I have a feeling that if you knew what you were talking about you wouldn't be blowing up at people in all caps dropping f bombs everywhere like a freshman who just got out of 8th period english class.

And why can't you play a song through once and be done with it? You can't be completely done with it, (mastering etc) but you should be able to play a song through once perfectly, if not... don't expect to get signed, because you can't play live.

And why did you record at some dudes trailor park when your dad ownes a studio? Just a question, I'm not doubting your dad owns a studio, I've seen your car.
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