How to be a good citiizen under obama's rule

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Ah ha, but what about the other blue collar families who are still bringing themselves up? Are they 'less deserving' just because they took longer to climb out than you did?


Why do we continue to reward failure and fail to praise success?
There could never be a civil war between the GOP and the Dem's

Assuming the Dem's could even make up their mind to declare war, they'd "redeploy" within 6 months.. probably to Europe
i think that a dollar should be taxed as a dollar regardless of who is holding it and how many they have


Shit, I'm going to have to make another bag of popcorn here...
no kidding....

It might seem odd to you, but for some of us it isn't all about the Benjamins.
i can dig this point of view - i'm pretty much only motivated to make as much as i need.

And now, for my real-world and why i hate the system:
i truncated so my post wasn't forever long, but i'm glad you posted this - i think you get stereotyped more than anyone else on this board, like it is assumed you're a silver spoon kind of guy or something. glad you set that straight, and i can see how you have arrived at your opinions. rep if i could.

but I wouldn't mind at all if it was going to a struggling family or young adult who's trying, but just can't get a break.

i worked my way through college and even had to take some time off to work some more. this increased my sense of value in my education - i knew how hard i'd had to work to get my degree, both in classes, and on my tired ass feet. i don't agree that our country should be subsidizing our educational system. but then, i like ron paul.

Well folks. Buy your guns now before there's a tax on them. That said. I'm applying for my CCW permit, because I'm not sure that right is going to be available in a few months, especially with the way the House has turned.

Just remember, the Illuminati still runs the country.
:werd: and lol on the illuminati. CCW permits all around, i want more of us to balance out the thugs, plz.

I know it was a few pages ago, but I'm against this island. It's too close to Antarctica.

EDIT: I wonder what it'd be like if Nadar actually won lol.
excellent reason to pass on that island :p

B, you got the wrong idea about aquiring this island. Ammo is cheaper than land, and I bet all the gun owning HS'ers could run all the ppl off a small island, no problem. I'll lead the invasion and reconstruction.

we would all kill each other within a week of attaining said island. :ph34r:

No where.. I don't know how we can change this country around.

his name was ron paul...or else there's the ever handy revolution. we're overdue.

mlk jr was a republican, yes that mlk.
one of those things that gets easily forgotten, thanks for the reminder!
we would all kill each other within a week of attaining said island. :ph34r:

Just the noobs. A few of us might due to some oddball celerity electricity experiment, but you know, if he gets us power, whatever.

Speaking of cel....

Where the fuck is he?
Yea where is Cel? I don't think he's posted in here once. Very surprising, maybe he fled the country...

I was talking to him the other day and he said he it was rainin' bitches though...
Last post was 11-3-08, but he was online today. Incredibly odd that he hasn't posted about any of this.
Celerity had an aneurysm when Obama started winning and is now in a vegetative state at his local hospital. We pray for his swift recovery.

that had me crackin up for a while... rep
I like sifting through this thread. Nothing has been done, but everyone is pulling the sky is falling stuff already.
someone should link the r.e.m. song 'its the end of the world as we know it'

somehow we forgot hold out your hand and bend over
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jesus tap-dancing hippies. i couldn't even finish the thread before i posted.

I will be starting a collection to buy a small island somewhere where the corrupt western wolrd will not effect. $100,000 reserves you a spot. :)
i've been preaching this to you clowns for the last 5 years.

Oh, how are you enjoying everyone else's money driving that M on all those PUBLIC roads?

Road maintenance is something that taxpayer money should be used for. Living expenses for career welfare individuals? Not so much...
public roads are paid for by local gas taxes, car license fees and drivers license. only a small portion is paid for with other taxes. schools get most of the tax and lotto money. thats why every time a ballot for new schools and improvements comes up, i vote no. i don't have kids and i dont' want to raise taxes.

Student/Gov't loans I have no problem with. You're actually making the gov't money by paying interest after graduation.
I also have 0 problems with scholarships. I think if you're smart enough that people want to pay your way, all I ask is that you actually try while you're there, and make a difference when you're out.
plus, those who get educated tend to get higher jobs and pay more taxes. it's win-win for the government.

Frankly, if you're not happy, or you can't find a job there, or the housing is too expensive there, MOVE! It's really that simple. No jobs here? move to a place that has one for you.
Houses are too much in cali for you? MOVE to a place you can afford to live in.

Can't afford to move? save up for a couple years until you can. That's how our grandparents did it.
hell, it's not that hard to find a fucking boat or bus to get you somewhere. you want motivation, look at our great grandparents. just like b said. take a backpack and some granola bars and bounce. hit the streets and make something of yourself. watch the movie "persuit of happyness". live in the gutter and work hard.

if you are under 30, broke, illiterate, poor, can't count to 10, i have some advice. if you can stand up, walk, and can see 10 feet in front of you, join the fucking military. there is no excuse for someone to not be able to improve their life.
This is why I don't like to follow politics.
Then again, where else can you see good points thrown back and forth with no conclusion?
The only thing I know is that it's going to get interesting for me being in the military and all; maybe I should go and sign a contract for 20+ more years just in case....
Is it someone else tryin to be like AlterEgo?