How to be a good citiizen under obama's rule

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I didn't cry about my debt, I simply informed you of it. My debt is a fact, nothing more.

Again, I am driven by more than money. It might seem odd to you, but for some of us it isn't all about the Benjamins.

I'm accepting of the fact that to some people, money just isn't that important. I'm somewhat that way myself. I'd rather be happier and make a bit less then make a bit more and hate my life, BUT (and this is going off of what you said earlier), I find it a bit hard to believe that you're 50 grand in debt and have the ability to earn a higher salary, yet choose not to because you'd rather work with your buddies...
Umm hey guys, I'm going to be moving out here soon. When I move out I'm going to need all the help I can get... I'm going to be working a full time job and going to college. Money is going to be tight, what's wrong with me getting some help from the government?

Student/Gov't loans I have no problem with. You're actually making the gov't money by paying interest after graduation.
I also have 0 problems with scholarships. I think if you're smart enough that people want to pay your way, all I ask is that you actually try while you're there, and make a difference when you're out.

You want a flat tax? Nix the sales tax. You claim you know economics, you know that sales tax will slant the whole "flat tax" thing towards the rich.
I would fully support this..

However, again... sales tax is a county/state levee, not a federal one. They don't mesh at all.

I think you need to venture out of your white bred world a little more often and see some real America.
I don't want to, nor should I.

Frankly, if you're not happy, or you can't find a job there, or the housing is too expensive there, MOVE! It's really that simple. No jobs here? move to a place that has one for you.
Houses are too much in cali for you? MOVE to a place you can afford to live in.

Can't afford to move? save up for a couple years until you can. That's how our grandparents did it.

The city of Vallejo filed bankruptcy and the police force is decimated. Crime is so rampant that it's almost like a movie. Education funding in this state is slashed to the bare minimum, in the good's already been there in the poor counties for decades. Children and seniors have had almost all of their benefits cut. DentaCare is no longer existent. Yep, we give people plenty of help. Plenty.
I have no idea what DentaCare is, so i can't comment on that.
A city should not be bankrupt. A state has the right to govern and support it's cities.
So, all I can say is yell at Arnold for letting it get that way.

And again, I offer the MOVE theory. Crime sucks? schools suck? MOVE!

I'm sorry that there are poor people who make you feel whatever it is they make you feel. The saddest thing is that you honestly and truly believe that everyone who needs help is lazy, unemployed, and looking for a hand out. There are a lot of extremely proud and hard working people who just need a leg up to be successful because they weren't born into the kind of advantages people such as yourself enjoyed. They didn't have $20k to spend on a Del Sol while still living with their parents at 25 years old. They were out in the world working and paying all of their own bills. You don't even have a concept of what that's like. You work hard, I don't doubt that in the slightest, but you don't seem to understand that the vast majority of the people you bitch about are hard workers just the same.

I'm NOT from a rich family.
My dad went to night school, stocked freezers at the grocery store in the graveyard shift, and worked at the insurance firm in the day so that we could eat.
My mom STILL shops with a shoe box full of coupons and has for as long as i can remember. She will not buy it unless she has a coupon for it.
90% of my clothes were hand me down from an older cousin when he out grew them.
My parents had 1 car that they shared until i was 14. a 1979 dodge aspen.
I had a rotary dial phone until 1998.
We got our first microwave when I was 17 (1997)
My house was never warmer than 58 degrees in the winter.
Hot water heater was shut off via breaker every day. Want a hot shower? flip the breaker, wait 20 min, and you have 5 min of hot water.
never had cable tv until i bought it for myself

And now, for my real-world and why i hate the system:

When I was a kid, I never owned a 'starter' jacket, but all the welfare kids from the projects wore them. Those were $100 jackets back in the day. My family couldn't afford to buy me one. And I wanted one BAD to fit in and be cool. But somehow, the foodstamp and welfare families could afford these jackets for not one, but ALL of their kids?

From the time i was 7 years old, I was aware of the abuse of the system. I've hated it since and will always hate it.

If you're on welfare, you should have patched jeans from a hand-me-down because you can't afford a new pair of pants.
you shouldn't have more than 1 pair of shoes.
you shouldn't have cable tv. hell, you shouldn't have a tv at all.
you shouldn't have a car that costs more than $500 bucks
you shouldn't drive an esclade on 20s and live in the projects (drug dealers probably still collect a check too to keep them looking 'legit')

I can go on, but my point is made.

Example: You are sentenced to death. You have two years to file ONE appeal. If you're still guilty 730 days later, to the second, you are executed. If you would like to skip the 2 year waiting period and get yours early, that is allowed too. Someone point out a problem with that.

The problem with this is that there's a lot of not-guilty people on the row. You put a lot of trust in the courts that I don't think I'm ready to give.

I'm for the death penalty, but I'm also for giving anyone accused a valid chance to defend themselves and to save their life.
I'm accepting of the fact that to some people, money just isn't that important. I'm somewhat that way myself. I'd rather be happier and make a bit less then make a bit more and hate my life, BUT (and this is going off of what you said earlier), I find it a bit hard to believe that you're 50 grand in debt and have the ability to earn a higher salary, yet choose not to because you'd rather work with your buddies...

I agree.

The skills I use were honed long before yours. My skills were being sharpened when I was 14. They now have a razor edge. I can make more, hell I could make more money right now at another job. But ya know what? It means more to me than money.

That's something school can't teach you.

So because you are older than him, it allows for differences? Elaborate for us.

If you can make more money, and your skills are so "sharpened" and "honed", then it wouldn't take any extra effort on your part to get a better job. You sit here and complain about money and wanting to change this and that, yet you won't even change yourself. You settle for what is comfortable. You are too much of a pussy to better yourself and the livelihood of your family because you seem to have some sick and twisted opinion of how things work. You are so fucking opinionated that I think you lost track of reality. Your opinion is no better than mine. You are no better than me. Yet you try and act like everyone but YOU is wrong. If you know so fucking much, do something about it. Don't come on here and piss and moan that things are going to be fucked if so-and-so is elected or "that guy" does something.

I don't know why I bother. Fighting with you is like being in the special olympics--no matter who wins, they're still fucking retarded.
I kinda think this post is important, but yet it seems to have been ignored.

Umm hey guys, I'm going to be moving out here soon. When I move out I'm going to need all the help I can get... I'm going to be working a full time job and going to college. Money is going to be tight, what's wrong with me getting some help from the government?

Now maybe I missed something in Obama's speeches, but what I heard was him lowering taxes on lower to middle class working families, whereas cutting tax breaks for the wealthy, along with raising taxes on families who's income is 250,000 or higher, and for individuals who's income is 100,000 or higher. Now forgive me if I missed something.

My first thought is calm the fuck down people. How big do you think this tax increase will honestly be? Really. I doubt it's gonna be that monumental.
My second thought is 40 percent taken out of 250,000 seems to leave a lot more discretionary income than 20 percent taken out of 22,500. (before you noob flame me those are just random figures i'm throwing)

But back to Chaz's comment. I'm gonna try to go out on my own soon too. So the job can cover rent, but what about student loans? What about my credit card payments for the hudreds of dollars of books? What about health insurance? Expenses tend to add up for people, but for poor college students it's pretty monumental. So what's so bad about people like us getting some aid?

I believe we should give aid to those who deserve it. If i was making 100,000 a year, I'd be pretty pissed if it was going to people who just don't want to work, but I wouldn't mind at all if it was going to a struggling family or young adult who's trying, but just can't get a break.

The problem with this is that there's a lot of not-guilty people on the row. You put a lot of trust in the courts that I don't think I'm ready to give.

I'm for the death penalty, but I'm also for giving anyone accused a valid chance to defend themselves and to save their life.
I agree to a point. But I'm just going to throw a few numbers out. While these are approximations, they are about right. It takes ~$25k a year to incarcerate 1 person(yes, more than it would cost to send 1 person to state college). That is no frills prison. Death row costs ~$90k per inmate per year. Excluding Texas, who seems to strap people in before their sentence is read, something like the last 25 deaths on death row were from natural causes. So essentially we are paying the extra cost to keep these men on death row, but changing their sentence to life without parole because they are allowed endless appeals no matter if they have new evidence or not. So not only are we paying the extra to incarcerate them within the prison, they are also costing the state more money in court fees for appeals that have little to no shot of actually clearing them, while they live their life to it's full length.

I realize that sentencing is suppose to be beyond a shadow of a doubt and often isn't, but for simple cost purposes, if there is a shred of doubt, put the man in for life and save the state some money. And if the Pope saw you do it, no appeals, hit the fucking switch.

And don't even get me started that the lethal injection costs almost $100. Air is free, and when injected into someone's bloodstream, will have the same end result.
I'm sorry that there are poor people who make you feel whatever it is they make you feel. The saddest thing is that you honestly and truly believe that everyone who needs help is lazy, unemployed, and looking for a hand out. There are a lot of extremely proud and hard working people who just need a leg up to be successful because they weren't born into the kind of advantages people such as yourself enjoyed. They didn't have $20k to spend on a Del Sol while still living with their parents at 25 years old. They were out in the world working and paying all of their own bills. You don't even have a concept of what that's like. You work hard, I don't doubt that in the slightest, but you don't seem to understand that the vast majority of the people you bitch about are hard workers just the same.

What? I turned 18 and moved out of my parents house. I drove a geo metro that I paid for. It was a good little car, it wasn't blingy but it was mine. I lived in a half decent apartment, and I worked two jobs to make ends meet. It sucked working two jobs, but you know what? I did it. And I never once even considered taking a welfare check or a food stamp. Why do you assume people need a hand? Get the fuck out of your cave, kill something, and drag it home. The only people who need government assistance are retards and paralized people. And I mean completely paralized. Someone in a wheelchair can work an office job. You don't need legs to type.

In my many years as a bondsman, I personally met people who were well enough to vandalize property, rob houses, steal cars, and beat their women tell me that they would be making a payment when their welfare check arrived every month. Some actually did. Same with child support. "I'll pay you when my child support check gets here".... That pissed me off. I met people who are healthy and strong claim that they are "bi-polar". Thats a magical welfare ticket around here, claim "bi-polar" and you are a career welfare shitbag. They don't have a fucking thing wrong with them.
Well folks. Buy your guns now before there's a tax on them.

And yeah, I hurt too with the "Tax Relief Package". The supposed check I was supposed to get? Nothing. They say I make too much. I make too much for federal aid for school too. My parents make too much to get any of those benefits either.

Last year in taxes, I paid over 20k. Now that's not as much as some, but it's a lot. I paid for one and a half welfare families (Calculated based off of a single parent, two child family home) to live. Shit. I should just give to charity and I could help more, because the system is better managed.

Problem with welfare is that there's nothing preventing the family from saving that check of 1200 and spending 200 on things needed. "Get Grandma to pay for the house and utilities, then we can have 1k for the kids clothes for school." Forgive me for living in a socialist society for so long, but excuse me at the same time; because it works. When we're talking about socialist programs, socialist-style regulations are in order.

Force them (the welfare families) to attend self-help classes. Make sure they show up, make sure they do something to help their cause. They have abilities that we as a society needs. Our country doesn't need as many CEOs of Hip-Hop record labels as we do garbage men/women. We need less CEOs and more Garbage men.

This desire to become a Record Label owner, a CEO, or the CFO of a fortune 50 company all comes from the schooling. Teachers misinformed the children "You can be anything you want," and this was engrained into everyone's soul. He's so sure that he can run a record label that he stops going to school very gradually. So now you have a kid who barely finished middle-school and now is trying to enter the workforce. But he doesn't want to be a garbage man, because he knows he's "better than that" and he's been told he is better than that his whole life. He wants to own "Def Jam Records" because his teacher told him he could. So instead of working up, he thinks he can start at the top. He can't get a job at the top because he's undereducated, unexperienced, and he has no basis to begin work. So he collects welfare, just like his mother. The cycle continues.

That said. I'm applying for my CCW permit, because I'm not sure that right is going to be available in a few months, especially with the way the House has turned. Don't get me wrong. I'm pretty non-partisan. But when any one group has total control, that's when things turn for the worse.

Just remember, the Illuminati still runs the country.
I wonder if this one is for sale :)
Google Maps

I know it was a few pages ago, but I'm against this island. It's too close to Antarctica.

Other than that I don't have much of anything valuable to add because everything I thought of has been said.


EDIT: I wonder what it'd be like if Nadar actually won lol.
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B, you got the wrong idea about aquiring this island. Ammo is cheaper than land, and I bet all the gun owning HS'ers could run all the ppl off a small island, no problem. I'll lead the invasion and reconstruction.
And we buy Saddam's old yacht to get there.....


For sale: Saddam's yacht (missiles not included) |

Secrete passages, weapons systems platform and all
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This is why those of us who have not rested on our laurels and brought ourselves up from blue collar upbringings into successful positions in this world get heated when our income is taxed and handed out to less deserving individuals.

Ah ha, but what about the other blue collar families who are still bringing themselves up? Are they 'less deserving' just because they took longer to climb out than you did?

I think we all agree that the people taking advantage of welfare are the problem. The question is whether welfare at all, even for those honest people who need it, is right or not.
Socialism here we come!

I'm going to quit my engineering job, become a line cook, have 8 kids so I can improve my quality of life. This is such crap.

Hopefully all the liberals will wake up in 4 years to figure out SOCIALISM DOES NOT WORK. Look at every other socialist country. People came to the US to escape that shit, and now here it comes.
The question is, where do WE escape to?


Maybe the mayans were right... 2012 right? yeah, we should self-destruct in these 4 years
No where.. I don't know how we can change this country around.
I kinda think this post is important, but yet it seems to have been ignored.

I addressed it actually. Did you miss that?

Now maybe I missed something in Obama's speeches, but what I heard was him lowering taxes on lower to middle class working families, whereas cutting tax breaks for the wealthy, along with raising taxes on families who's income is 250,000 or higher, and for individuals who's income is 100,000 or higher. Now forgive me if I missed something.

You didn't miss anything, but still, that's socialism. Why should we force certain people to give away a higher percentage of their income then others? Did they not work hard to earn that income? How is this fair?

My first thought is calm the fuck down people. How big do you think this tax increase will honestly be? Really. I doubt it's gonna be that monumental.
My second thought is 40 percent taken out of 250,000 seems to leave a lot more discretionary income than 20 percent taken out of 22,500. (before you noob flame me those are just random figures i'm throwing)

Reread my last response.

But back to Chaz's comment. I'm gonna try to go out on my own soon too. So the job can cover rent, but what about student loans? What about my credit card payments for the hudreds of dollars of books? What about health insurance? Expenses tend to add up for people, but for poor college students it's pretty monumental. So what's so bad about people like us getting some aid?

Have you even looked into how any of this works yet? From the way you're talking I don't think you have. First, you'll fill out the FAFSA, which will determine what kind of grants and loans you're eligible for based on yours and your family's income. Student loans can be used for pretty much anything, tuition, books, living expenses, whatever. It's your decision on how to use that money. Also, you don't start repaying student loans until you're done. If you had to start paying on them right away then what would be the point of taking them out? It would make more sense to just pay as you go.

Also, the better you did in high school, the more likely you are to receive scholarships. Did you work hard and do good? Good for you. You'll probably get some scholarship money. Did you mess around and get mediocre grades? Too bad, but you're SOL. Why should you be rewarded for mediocrity?

As for insurance, unless you're going completely independent, you can still be covered under your parents until you're 25. You should be able to finish school by then. Hell, you should be able to finish graduate school by then. If your parents's insurance isn't an option for you though, most every college offers cheap, basic insurance plans.

Clearly you really haven't looked into any of this, which is exactly why you shouldn't be spouting off about it...

I believe we should give aid to those who deserve it. If i was making 100,000 a year, I'd be pretty pissed if it was going to people who just don't want to work, but I wouldn't mind at all if it was going to a struggling family or young adult who's trying, but just can't get a break.

I completely agree. Let's reform the system and get rid of the welfare leaches...
what is the quote? democracy's downfall: 'people will vote themselves bread/cake and circus'

remember rome at the end: 1/3 working, 1/3 at war, 1/3 on welfare.
more socialism makes us more like europe. maybe someday we won't be able to defend ourselves too. but who will play america then and save us?
europe is turning back some socialism, esp france. its all cycles.
hopefully carter 2 will lead to reagan 2.
i'm tripin' cuz kids in the projects got more bling.
ahhvtec, 85% of blacks are dems anyway, so most didn't vote obama specifically for race reasons. now some vote dems for race reasons.
mlk jr was a republican, yes that mlk.
on welfare, some say (more eloquently) if u took it away ppl would have nothing and be really desperate and do more bad stuff.
gun tax? you'd be lucky to still get a gun, look at DC til recently. and prob highest US crime rate even w/ the savior gun control. hmmm. florida was buying 'em up. arm yourself.
oh, and make ur island, like the mid-east country or manhattan i think.
speaking of special olympics, whats better than winning the special olympics?...
not being in it
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This desire to become a Record Label owner, a CEO, or the CFO of a fortune 50 company all comes from the schooling. Teachers misinformed the children "You can be anything you want," and this was engrained into everyone's soul. He's so sure that he can run a record label that he stops going to school very gradually. So now you have a kid who barely finished middle-school and now is trying to enter the workforce. But he doesn't want to be a garbage man, because he knows he's "better than that" and he's been told he is better than that his whole life. He wants to own "Def Jam Records" because his teacher told him he could. So instead of working up, he thinks he can start at the top. He can't get a job at the top because he's undereducated, unexperienced, and he has no basis to begin work. So he collects welfare, just like his mother. The cycle continues.
My friend saw this with the police test. He is an Auxiliary so he has been to more than one test. He says it never fails that someone comes up to him and says, "Is this the test to become a homicide detective too? Because that's what I want to do" or something of that nature. No one wants to pay their dues.

I learned you have to pay your dues young with sports. Then again while joining a fraternity. Yea it sucks when an older guy asks you to get him and ten guys beers, but after paying your dues for four years, damn if I ever got myself a beer. Of course I'm simplifying it to beer drinking but it applied to all aspects. If you don't start on the bottom and force your way to the top, you won't appreciate the top as much, if at all.