Im moving in feb.

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so my girls partents are moveing to san diego "oceanside to be exact" and they want us to move out there with them in febuary. I don't really know what I should do I still want to build up my honda some day and all I hear is smog this and that from cali also seems to be a big pain in the ass to get parts to pass imspection or whatever "in AZ they stick a thing up your cars butt and your done" but on the otherside I just got fired from my job because my "please insert racist name" is on his high horse power trip.
Anyway I get to live next to the beach "not on sad I know" pretty much free rent no utilties and a garage. So if everything goes right I'll be living in cali soon.
That may be nice for the short term... but think long term. you won't be living with her parents for ever... and the cost of living in cali is a LOT higher than tucson.
You want to build your car... Regardless of smog, do you think your g/f parents will let you use their garage for this? most commuities on the beach have rules abotu working on cars (even washing them!) so keep that in mind.

Plus, what if you find out your g/f is crazy and you split up. Now you're homeless too. How long have you been together?

you're only 20....

I'd say, if you 100% want to mary this girl... and don't even look at passing hot chicks, then go for it.

But, if you still have a wandering eye, leave the chick, stay home, find a new job, and carry on with your life.
I couldn't have said it any better. I'm not saying that you guys will break up but if you do you would be stuck out there. Her parents aren't going to send you back. The beaches aren't that great, I've seen them. My apartment now is a little over 1,000sqft and I pay about $800 a month in a good neighborhood. I was looking at places out there and you'd end up paying twice as much for half as much in a shitty neighborhood. I'm not trying to tell you what to do I'm just saying think about it before you jump right in. If you want a change of scenery move out here to Florida. The weather is always nice, there are no smog checks, the beaches are beautiful and the cost of living is cheap. Save up and buy a house for $200,000, you could easily get 3,000sqft with a pool a garage and a big ass backyard.
Since I've been through the exact situation you've describing I'm going to give you one piece of advice.

In five years, is she still going to be worth giving up your way of life to conform to her parents' perfect boyfriend/husband?
im with them,i wouldnt give up everything,just because people change,you dont know the future,if i was you,i would let it go
well i've been with her for about 4 years we got 2 kids 1 boy 1 girl
and i've only been in AZ for about 2 years now so if we split i would be fucked anyway haha and as for her parents its more then hi your my girls mom and dad were pretty cool there really laid back hippie kinda i am "perfect" in there eyes because i support her and my kids and dont beat them and what not . I dont know I've been there twice once in riverside "hated that" and once in san diego that was nice.
i should have gone last year her mom said she'll buy me a 99 si if i went
I "don't know" why you are "putting everything" you write, even "your own thoughts" in "qoutes". "Quotation marks" have many "uses", but "the way" you are using them, is "wildly incorrect".
Move to CA, screw your car, either sell it or put it back to stock. in 1-2-3 years after getting a worth while job you should be able to buy something nice to replace your civic with.

What do you want.

A. modded honda


B. Lexis IS350
so my girls partents are moveing to san diego "oceanside to be exact" and they want us to move out there with them in febuary. I don't really know what I should do I still want to build up my honda some day and all I hear is smog this and that from cali also seems to be a big pain in the ass to get parts to pass imspection or whatever "in AZ they stick a thing up your cars butt and your done" but on the otherside I just got fired from my job because my " please insert racist name" is on his high horse power trip.
Anyway I get to live next to the beach "not on sad I know" pretty much free rent no utilties and a garage. So if everything goes right I'll be living in cali soon.

Make sense now?

well i've been with her for about 4 years we got 2 kids 1 boy 1 girl
and i've only been in AZ for about 2 years now so if we split i would be fucked anyway haha and as for her parents its more then hi your my girls mom and dad were pretty cool there really laid back hippie kinda i am "perfect" in there eyes because i support her and my kids and dont beat them and what not . I dont know I've been there twice once in riverside "hated that" and once in san diego that was nice.
i should have gone last year her mom said she'll buy me a 99 si if i went

Hated that is the best one. :D
Kids changes the entire situation.

You have kids with the girl and you live with her mom.

You're doing it wrong.

Man up and run your family.
lol I'm not living with them now they want us to move out there so they can be close to the kids
witch i can understand but its kinda unfair my little girl is 7 months old now and my mom hasnt even seen her yet I'm not sure I have until mid feb to figure it out
so my girls partents are moveing to san diego "oceanside to be exact" and they want us to move out there with them in febuary. I don't really know what I should do I still want to build up my honda some day and all I hear is smog this and that from cali also seems to be a big pain in the ass to get parts to pass imspection or whatever "in AZ they stick a thing up your cars butt and your done" but on the otherside I just got fired from my job because my "please insert racist name" is on his high horse power trip.
Anyway I get to live next to the beach "not on sad I know" pretty much free rent no utilties and a garage. So if everything goes right I'll be living in cali soon.

4 years together, 2 kids, live with parents in Cali near the beach almost rent and utility free? Not sure what the problem is there.

Just make sure you plan on this as being short term. You are young so this situtation I would be ok with. Make sure you get a job and start saving money to take care of your family so you can get a place of your own out there, even if its just renting.

I know B says man up, but at age 20 even with kids, not sure how much of a man you can really be.

O and another need to let go of your honda build up because with 2 kids and no job, you have more important things to worry about
heres what you do.

1A)get some birth control
1B)get a fucking job

2)get your own place. if you want to be in cali near the family, move there, but get your own place and take care of your family.

3)forget about the stupid honda. for the most part, hondas suck anyways. you fucked up and had kids with someone you aren't married to, your priority should be your family not toys. don't make a life decision based on california emissions.

i should have gone last year her mom said she'll buy me a 99 si if i went need a family car, not a sport compact. new way of thinking is in order.
I couldn't have said it any better. I'm not saying that you guys will break up but if you do you would be stuck out there. Her parents aren't going to send you back. The beaches aren't that great, I've seen them. My apartment now is a little over 1,000sqft and I pay about $800 a month in a good neighborhood. I was looking at places out there and you'd end up paying twice as much for half as much in a shitty neighborhood. I'm not trying to tell you what to do I'm just saying think about it before you jump right in. If you want a change of scenery move out here to Florida. The weather is always nice, there are no smog checks, the beaches are beautiful and the cost of living is cheap. Save up and buy a house for $200,000, you could easily get 3,000sqft with a pool a garage and a big ass backyard.

not true, i found two houses for rent in cali, 2 bedroom and 3 bedroom for 700 and 800 a month.
the 3 bedroom also has 4 and a half acres of land.

oh, and you forgot to mention the hurricanes.