Matts96HB's EJ6 Build

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It's not too bad. It spins at the top of 2nd, and sounds like it wants to break in the top of third, but holds. 4th and 5th are fine. I'm extremely happy with the way the car is running right now, hopefully a tune will only improve it.
Blox adjustable cam gears are here! Pics when I install. Back to school tomorrow so I'll have some more free time on my hands.
Here we are. The bolts aren't tight, and the timing belt isn't either. Waiting on a couple of pieces from Honda that'll be in tomorrow, then its back to boosting :)
Thanks Chad.

School is going well, I'm in the process of getting my BS in Mechanical Engineering. I'll be at the University of Idaho beginning Spring semester to finish up my required classes
Mechanical Engineering

Mechanical Engineering eh? I are one, good career field! :thumbsup:
Awesome! :thumbsup:

I decided I wanted to do something with mechanics when I was about 15 years old. I decided I wanted to be an engineer when my dad and I took my dirtbike apart and I was on my own to put it back together (I was still 15, lol)

Very excited to get into my field and start putting my knowledge to use :)
The Map Clip Is The Same As The Tps Clip;)
i also found out today my 00 si the vtec plug and coolant temp switch plugs are the same and they are right beside each other. in this case my vtec wouldnt work and it wouldn't idle when cold, very frustrating to figure out when just getting a new moter running...
its stock for the most part. it has amber corner lights and black wheels on it. almost 182k miles on the car now. lol. ill likely just drive it until something catastrophic happens.
Yeah, this Accord is my favorite DD I've had thus far.

Update on the Civic:
I turned the boost controller down last night, I plan on having the tuner get it lined out on the street tonight. 450whp was fun and all, but I'm got sick of the wheelspin. So, until I can get boost by gear setup, I'll just be tuned on 15lbs. Should put me right about 320-350whp again, still a fun car :)

If I can get a camera tonight, I'll try and get an in car vid.