Question about Ex-Girlfriends

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Was it not your girlfriend/baby momma that had her ass as her avatar? She was posting pictures in the one thread and you were having your relationship woes.

Call me crazy, but I distinctly remember that as you.

I do remember her coming on here after "I" had posted some pics of her and she posted like 1 or 2 more since ya'll wanted to see more, as for relationship woes I think not. Unless my memory serves me wrong I think you got the wrong guy

lol my life outside of HS will stay confidential. I don't seek life advice just automotive....:D

Precisely what I said my 1st post in this thread
I do remember her coming on here after "I" had posted some pics of her and she posted like 1 or 2 more since ya'll wanted to see more, as for relationship woes I think not. Unless my memory serves me wrong I think you got the wrong guy

No, it was you who dipped out on her and was with another girl. She was bringing the drama up on the forums.

I was just being polite and acting as though I wasn't positive of what I was saying. ;)
No, it was you who dipped out on her and was with another girl. She was bringing the drama up on the forums.

I was just being polite and acting as though I wasn't positive of what I was saying. ;)
In that case, like I originally stated, I never come to forums asking for relationship help. But at the same point I don't even remember her starting a thread on here about something like that. I must've missed it, and at the same point I couldn't care less, but i'd still like to see that thread
What was her username?

A search of that should probably bring up the thread fairly easily.


Yes, yes tonight, this morning, was a good day.
this argument seems about as pointless as bush running for a 3rd term....