thursday morning

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you simply CAN'T compare a joke about a kid on a website to a company. they aren't even in the same ball game.

As consumers, ALL OF US who buy parts, we have a right to know whats up and whats good and whats bad and what happened.

Am I butthurt about the noah stuff? no. I'm just tired of seeing it come up in EVERY damn thread in this forum. As far as I can remember, the drop shop was mentioned once until you brought it up again.

Delay is an understatement.


as memory serves, the group buy that started all this crap started at/around thanksgiving time, 2002.

note the dates in some of these threads.

people were pissed in JANUARY.

come July, people STILL don't have stuff they've paid for:

this guy asked for a refund, and he wouldn't give it to him:
moreover, in this thread, a couple people stated that they were totally unhappy with the quality of the product when it did in fact show up.

and i could post 100 more topics on this.

its fact, not opinion, that he fucked up and his rep went with him. for that reason alone, i would NEVER feel right about telling someone to order through him. Waiting a year for a part is simply unacceptable. And I wouldn't want to be the one that recommended them to that person in the first place.
and one more thing- his reply here when TurboPanda criticizes his welding "skill" is simply immature.

Jon = Usdm ED9 about half way down the thread and continues on.

and here, warped flange.
"Jon strikes again"
you know its bad, when people keep saying this.

His products suck.
His service sucks.
and he just sounds like a total fucking asshole to the whole honda community.

I'm done with this thread, as I think I've proved my point.

Feel free to support your friend all you want, but the facts are now out on the table for everyone else to see.
Originally posted by pissedoffsol@Sep 28 2003, 04:13 AM
noah, to the best of my knowledge has never screwed anyone.

1. I have nothing to say about the first topic. I am truly sorry that Chuck brought it up first. I don't consider myself to be one of the "offenders" however and I have several times privately defended Jon in two different situations.

2. About the fat kid jokes. I am one of those "uncool" people frigging tired of Bill distilling everyone into cartoon characters. If you want fat kid jokes, go back to ClubSi for them. Bill and sisteve can still post over there. I can see that Noah is a good sport about it and has NEVER complained to anyone about it. But Bill's material is pretty old and tired on several subjects. I really would like to get to know the people on this board as real people. I know that there is more to Noah than his eating habits.

I can see from your second post of "The official fat kid of CSi and now hondaswap has arrived.".... that you would like some of this same attention. How sad. Well I am disapointed that you are willing to stoop so low for any sort of attention. I never saw you or Chuck as fat people to make fun of.

Also about this comment, "So in other words it's ok to talk shit about a shop/person that you don't happen to like but it's not ok to razz noah even though he gives it right back?

hypocrite. "

Bill told me two weeks ago by email that if I wanted to "hang with the boys" then I would need a "thick skin", wel I do have a thick skin. I think that I have more than proven that. However, Bill obviously can't take what he dishes out. Witness in this thread how "quickly" he lost it. No sense of humor when it conflicts with his self-appointed ClubSi and Hondaswap "super playa" status. So read this thread and judge for yourself: I love this woman.... I guess it's okay for Bill to spew forth negative image "jokes" about everyone, but he must remain some sort of man's man "playa god" with his pool league, real golf playing and hot babes. And about his comment about me ranting about Pat all the time, well so... many times I've heard Bill retelling Noah stories from the Hersey meet, which must have been well over a year ago. And two of those times, Noah wasn't even at these meets. Bill didn't like me polluting his "golf thread with miniature golf talk, even thought there were several other non-serios golfers posting and then there was talk of the drinking being an important part of the process. BUT it's okay for Bill to threadjack my autoX and birthday threads. <------ So there's your real hyporcrite Derek.

And since that thread in Members Lounge was abruptly locked down before I could reply... I am really relieved that Bill doesn't "want me"... I don't ever want such filth touching me (that is, if his stories are true), not even for that quickie 4-1/2 minutes promised. His dick just has been in too many questionable places.

Hypocrite to the rest of you. And go ahead and do search and read my posts, and see how Bill follows me around to trying to find me wrong. And I am entitled to answer him back.
I'm so popular!!!


And btw... I also recall at many meets where i tell stories about people that aren't there all the time... Especially about Pete... :)
jon fuct up on the groupbuy... yes...

but that fact that his shop was brought up in a post about how WANGS ricershop [or whatever the fuck it is] dosnt seem to know what the fuck he is doing si fucking bullshit.

it hsould have NEVER been brought up here.

yes it was weeks ago,

but you know what it still pisses me off, and it has pissed me off for weeks.

its one thing to post your feelings about a company when asked,

its quite another when you bring it up out of the blue.

so your entire rambling about manifolds and shit is POINTLESS...



i am not a employee of the drop shop, i do not work for jon, i do not get paid by jon.

i am a friend, who may help him do little things here and there, but my statements are just that MY statements, and are not to be considered statements by "the drop shop" or anyone affiliated with "the drop shop"
^ This post HAS NOT been brought to you by The Drop Shop.

I love you all!! make peace not war. B)
Chuck, this is Noah... Dont forget about the fact that without Jon's shop, you'd never be able to be as low as me... even if you had to do it without wheels... ;)
Originally posted by nawoj@Sep 28 2003, 04:33 PM


oh no, you didn't

First X-clubsi member gone.
i'm tired of this toolshed. He can't even make a valid arguement, so he resorts to name calling. REAL intelligent.

And you know what dude, all you did was make my arguemnt stronger against the drop shop. fuck you, that place, and your mom with a little red baseball bat.
Originally posted by 94RedSiGal@Sep 28 2003, 12:13 PM

I can see from your second post of "The official fat kid of CSi and now hondaswap has arrived."....  that you would like some of this same attention.  How sad.  Well I am disapointed that you are willing to stoop so low for any sort of attention.  I never saw you  or Chuck as fat people to make fun of.

Wow you so missed the point of that comment it's not even funny. It's called taking a negative and making it positive. I have called myself "the fat kid" or joke about how i'm "the token fat guy, every group has to have one it's like a rule" since way back when I was in junior high / high school. Back then it was my way of stealing a bullies thunder, it's like "Yeah I'm fat, yeah I got a lazy eye, fuck you come up with something else" Now it's just something I do to break the ice.

Also notice that since I do it on CSi and in real life no one talks shit about me being fat on the boards outside of OT. It's a preemptive strike.

If it gives me "attention" or gives people a laugh so be it. Hopefully you aren't trying to insinuate that I'm trying to steal noah's "fat kid" thunder.

Not even going to bother commenting on the other stuff you posted since I really don't care and didn't bother to read most of it.

Oh and you say Pat is a nazi admin look at pissedoffsol banning chuck lol I thought this place was supposed to be more lax than CSi. This is just one constant CSi/Pat hating circle jerk when in reality it's no better than CSi at all.

*Yawn* I'm can get fucked now since you want to keep attacking me martine. I don't know what your problem is with me all of a sudden but shoot me a Pm and let's settle this.
Originally posted by 94RedSiGal+Sep 28 2003, 12:13 PM-->
@Sep 28 2003, 04:13 AM
noah, to the best of my knowledge has never screwed anyone.

1. I have nothing to say about the first topic. I am truly sorry that Chuck brought it up first. I don't consider myself to be one of the "offenders" however and I have several times privately defended Jon in two different situations.

2. About the fat kid jokes. I am one of those "uncool" people frigging tired of Bill distilling everyone into cartoon characters. If you want fat kid jokes, go back to ClubSi for them. Bill and sisteve can still post over there. I can see that Noah is a good sport about it and has NEVER complained to anyone about it. But Bill's material is pretty old and tired on several subjects. I really would like to get to know the people on this board as real people. I know that there is more to Noah than his eating habits.

I can see from your second post of "The official fat kid of CSi and now hondaswap has arrived.".... that you would like some of this same attention. How sad. Well I am disapointed that you are willing to stoop so low for any sort of attention. I never saw you or Chuck as fat people to make fun of.

Also about this comment, "So in other words it's ok to talk shit about a shop/person that you don't happen to like but it's not ok to razz noah even though he gives it right back?

hypocrite. "

Bill told me two weeks ago by email that if I wanted to "hang with the boys" then I would need a "thick skin", wel I do have a thick skin. I think that I have more than proven that. However, Bill obviously can't take what he dishes out. Witness in this thread how "quickly" he lost it. No sense of humor when it conflicts with his self-appointed ClubSi and Hondaswap "super playa" status. So read this thread and judge for yourself: I love this woman.... I guess it's okay for Bill to spew forth negative image "jokes" about everyone, but he must remain some sort of man's man "playa god" with his pool league, real golf playing and hot babes. And about his comment about me ranting about Pat all the time, well so... many times I've heard Bill retelling Noah stories from the Hersey meet, which must have been well over a year ago. And two of those times, Noah wasn't even at these meets. Bill didn't like me polluting his "golf thread with miniature golf talk, even thought there were several other non-serios golfers posting and then there was talk of the drinking being an important part of the process. BUT it's okay for Bill to threadjack my autoX and birthday threads. <------ So there's your real hyporcrite Derek.

And since that thread in Members Lounge was abruptly locked down before I could reply... I am really relieved that Bill doesn't "want me"... I don't ever want such filth touching me (that is, if his stories are true), not even for that quickie 4-1/2 minutes promised. His dick just has been in too many questionable places.

Hypocrite to the rest of you. And go ahead and do search and read my posts, and see how Bill follows me around to trying to find me wrong. And I am entitled to answer him back.


I have held back comments up to this point on the boards, in fact, I was tempted to PM you last week when you stated I was on the "rag" however, after reading this post I cannot go forth without spouting some feelings that I have about your thread posting.

#1. How the FUCK does Bill's name get tossed into this thread, that has OBVIOUSLY gone off topic in the way of the DROP SHOP?! WHY oh WHY do you need to constantly bring his name, and your FEELINGS towards him into mostly everyfucking thread. LEAVE WELL ENOUGH ALONE! If you do not like what he posts in certain threads, then SKIP over his name...its that fucking easy. DO not read, do not past go, do not collect 200 mother fucking dollars. If anyone is to complain it should be the members of this site who have to read each and post that you make that either concerns autoX, QuickSi or Pat. If anything gets tiring its those. For the most part I skip over YOUR posts because I cant stand to read them.

You obviously have not been around CSi for too long as the people that attended meets and began posting waaaaaaaaaaaay back in the day are the ones that know eachtother well enough to not let things effect them on the boards...its partly do to the fact that its the INTERNET! My father invented it...thats right Al muthafucking GORE! Bill, me, noah, pete, darcy, the crazy bloke, whomever else, have been joking around with eachother WELL before you even heard of CSi. This is how it was, this is how it will more than likely continue to be. NOT ONE OF US MEANS ANY HARM TO EACHOTHER. HELL I'm plump, i could care less, no one is perfect. If you can't laugh at something then you need to seek help. Laughter is the NUMBER ONE best medicine. So get over it, get over the pat situation, stop being BUTTHURT about everything and move on.

And go ahead and do search and read my posts, and see how Bill follows me around to trying to find me wrong.  And I am entitled to answer him back.
directly from that link that YOU posted, you antagonized that argument first, and that is how it has been in many of your replies, including replies that I have made... i.e. Brians 240 thread. You are not the little sweetheart you are trying to make yourself out to be.

As far as Chuck is concerned. Chuck from what it appears to me was venting frustrations. I do not know as to why he was banned except for his comment in his last post. That has yet to be discussed but at this point in time the action was already performed.

In closing, I am leaving this thread open for a while longer. At this point in time there is a lot of shit on the table and I would PREFER that everyone else posts to get shit clear so everyone can move on. If another mod does decide to close this, then if you, or any other member has a problem, comment, .02 cents, please feel free to PM me.
Originally posted by pop culture icon@Sep 28 2003, 11:05 PM
Not even going to bother commenting on the other stuff you posted since I really don't care and didn't bother to read most of it.

Oh and you say Pat is a nazi admin look at pissedoffsol banning chuck lol I thought this place was supposed to be more lax than CSi. This is just one constant CSi/Pat hating circle jerk when in reality it's no better than CSi at all.

*Yawn* I'm can get fucked now since you want to keep attacking me martine. I don't know what your problem is with me all of a sudden but shoot me a Pm and let's settle this.

Well all I will say to this is that Ihave never ever called Pat a Nazi admin. You have me confused with someone else. And I did read Chuck's thread over at ClubSi, and from my perspective, threads were locked to protect Bill and in general to stop the drama. And fuck it, no need for PM's, we're just moving in different circles now. I did my part driving you and Kathy to one party and to one with just you. We have just in different directions in terms of cars and friends. And thanks for defending me in the past. *shrug*

JustinVW: You are much more famous than I, for wanting to have the last word in an argument... and Bill is a close second. You don't mind your gf's smart mouth, but that's fine because she is in agreement with you. You guys need to step and stop taking this internet stuff so seriously. Chill out.

Chuck: Sorry, I find this thread is so childish and beneath you.... hondaswap.... i got banned.
Originally posted by sisteve@Sep 28 2003, 11:44 PM
I have held back comments up to this point on the boards, in fact, I was tempted to PM you last week when you stated I was on the "rag" however, after reading this post I cannot go forth without spouting some feelings that I have about your thread posting.

#1. How the FUCK does Bill's name get tossed into this thread, that has OBVIOUSLY gone off topic in the way of the DROP SHOP?! WHY oh WHY do you need to constantly bring his name, and your FEELINGS towards him into mostly everyfucking thread. LEAVE WELL ENOUGH ALONE! If you do not like what he posts in certain threads, then SKIP over his name...its that fucking easy. DO not read, do not past go, do not collect 200 mother fucking dollars. If anyone is to complain it should be the members of this site who have to read each and post that you make that either concerns autoX, QuickSi or Pat. If anything gets tiring its those. For the most part I skip over YOUR posts because I cant stand to read them.

You obviously have not been around CSi for too long as the people that attended meets and began posting waaaaaaaaaaaay back in the day are the ones that know eachtother well enough to not let things effect them on the boards...its partly do to the fact that its the INTERNET! My father invented it...thats right Al muthafucking GORE! Bill, me, noah, pete, darcy, the crazy bloke, whomever else, have been joking around with eachother WELL before you even heard of CSi. This is how it was, this is how it will more than likely continue to be. NOT ONE OF US MEANS ANY HARM TO EACHOTHER. HELL I'm plump, i could care less, no one is perfect. If you can't laugh at something then you need to seek help. Laughter is the NUMBER ONE best medicine. So get over it, get over the pat situation, stop being BUTTHURT about everything and move on.

And go ahead and do search and read my posts, and see how Bill follows me around to trying to find me wrong.  And I am entitled to answer him back.
directly from that link that YOU posted, you antagonized that argument first, and that is how it has been in many of your replies, including replies that I have made... i.e. Brians 240 thread. You are not the little sweetheart you are trying to make yourself out to be.

As far as Chuck is concerned. Chuck from what it appears to me was venting frustrations. I do not know as to why he was banned except for his comment in his last post. That has yet to be discussed but at this point in time the action was already performed.

In closing, I am leaving this thread open for a while longer. At this point in time there is a lot of shit on the table and I would PREFER that everyone else posts to get shit clear so everyone can move on. If another mod does decide to close this, then if you, or any other member has a problem, comment, .02 cents, please feel free to PM me.

:owned: :owned: :owned:
Well all I will say to this is that Ihave never ever called Pat a Nazi admin. You have me confused with someone else.

It was more of a general "you" rather than a literal "you" but I digress..

And I did read Chuck's thread over at ClubSi

Doesn't surprise me.

and from my perspective, threads were locked to protect Bill and in general to stop the drama.

Meh I just found it amusing that I was like the last poster in the drama threads that were locked once I started posting valid defenses of people.

And fuck it, no need for PM's, we're just moving in different circles now. I did my part driving you and Kathy to one party and to one with just you. We have just in different directions in terms of cars and friends. And thanks for defending me in the past. *shrug*

Indeed you did and I thank you very much for doing so. The Si is quite the nice road trip machine and gypsy is an awesome ride along partner. It was fun tearinmg up the highway coming back from claytons. I haven't changed my stance on things for any of my friends and I would defend any of them just like I did for you. I feel my defense of daisy is evidence of that. *shrug*

You guys need to step and stop taking this internet stuff so seriously. Chill out.


Chuck: Sorry, I find this thread is so childish and beneath you.... hondaswap.... i got banned.

Funny, wouldn't Chris's "I guess I'm with Airjockie" post be considered the same? I didn't see you calling him childish.
Originally posted by Celerity@Sep 28 2003, 11:46 PM
I don't have to say anything.

-> Steve

and did.

as for why I feel I'll be the next banned...well hell if chuck can get banned over something as small as what he got banned for why wouldn't I be a target?
he made a personal attack on me. end of story. that is why is was banned.

i have NO problem with your opinions. but when an arguement takes a turn for "fuck you" I don't need that shit here.

Hondaswap is a happy community.. maybe, i should say WAS. so much stupid shit has come over here in the past 2 weeks since the clubsi folks came over. its all drama... its all bullshit... its a waste of time. seriously.
its the FUCKING INTERNET. coming from me, thats pretty bad.
sisteve: About humor... fat boy jokes are rather 8th grade level humor. And then if you are all such funny guys, why did Bill flip out over my one crack about his quicksi username perhaps being in reference to his being quick in the sack? And why does he need to throw in some stupid comment about not finding me desirable? I didn't join these boards to find myself dates. I joined because I love my car so much.

And then you got all sensitive over my comment on you asking if you were on the rag... so where is your sense of humor? Both remarks were made in jest. As it was, for some reason you decided that all my early replies in B's thread about buying his 240 needed to be refuted. Others noticed also that you picked only on me in that thread. And worse, was that you were the main one polluting that thread, and you are an admin. You should know better than to threadjack like that.

When guys argue heatedly it's acceptable, when a female does it, she's labelled a bitch. That's very hypocritical.

So I am fine with Bill and I just staying out of each other's threads in the future. The threads that I start are fairly serious anyways, they will be mostly about autocrossing, trips to salvage yards and real car topics. So keep your Noah humor out of them please.

Celerity: JustinVW is just being a tough NJ e-thug, as usual. Self-righteous person that he is, he's decided that I need to be punished. :roll:

Derek: I was surpised with Chuck being banned. I didn't follow the thread last night as I was in CT doing car stuff at Clayton's. I was surprised that Chuck was so wound up over defending Jon. It was awkward wthen he did it over at ClubSi also. I have always liked Chuck's company and kept him a separate being from the Drop Shop. I also like Jon too as a person, but have not done any business with him. With Chris' thread, his banning over at ClubSi imo was completely for a completely stupid reason (from reading the ban message line. Why? Because Pat was publically accusing some of his detractors as me in disguise. I don't see why it was wrong for Chris to question Pat line of logic, as it was wrong.). And the other aspect, this is a smaller board, and I am actually surprised that some read our posts and feel the need to report back to the much larger readership of ClubSi.

But what sort of ties into how I feel about this fat boy humor.... it's this thick skin that Bill's talked about. Well so all of you "heavy" people put on this show of not minding it, but what about the people who do mind, but just haven't been able to bring themselves to ask Bill to stop... because it might be considered a sign of weakness? Or as you said, you defuse the situation by you bringing up being fat first. Why should you even have to deal with making such strategies? I actually know two fat people that object to this sort of humor. But according to the rest of you, to be cool and with the "in crowd", you just have to take it and pretend that you like it.

Everyone spouting this "humor" is at least in their 20's... so why are we stuck in this rut of schoolyard humor? Can't we come up with better material than this? And let me amend my previous request to be one of the boys, what I really meant to say was that I enjoy the company of adult males. I don't relate well to girlie chick types... and I guess, not to immature boys either.

Lastly, and I think that we all are guilty of this line of thinking.... that any time someone argues against us, we feel the need to post an argument back. Because if we don't, then it appears that we are finally agreeing that we are in the wrong. Even when it may go to PM, two of you have felt the need to post their future intention to take it to PM, thereby telling everyone else that they haven't given't up the fight yet.

But I feel that I am expected to reply to these comments, but when I do, in the long run, it just adds to my reputation... :roll:

Was this too long for all of you to follow? Need Cliffnotes? *sigh*
Originally posted by pissedoffsol@Sep 29 2003, 01:57 AM
Hondaswap is a happy community.. maybe, i should say WAS. so much stupid shit has come over here in the past 2 weeks since the clubsi folks came over. its all drama... its all bullshit... its a waste of time. seriously.
its the FUCKING INTERNET. coming from me, thats pretty bad.

I tell you what makes me happy, the group discussion threads about upcoming car-related meets in here. I really like the autocrossing enthusiasts in here. We get together before the meets to help each other out and there's alot of friendly teamwork happening. That's what real friends are all about.
With Chris' thread, his banning over at ClubSi imo was completely for a completely stupid reason (from reading the ban message line. Why? Because Pat was publically accusing some of his detractors as me in disguise. I don't see why it was wrong for Chris to question Pat line of logic, as it was wrong.). And the other aspect, this is a smaller board, and I am actually surprised that some read our posts and feel the need to report back to the much larger readership of ClubSi.

No one has reported anything than chuck saying he was banned back at CSi. My understanding of the post is that is his way of venting since he obviously...can no longer post here. Much like you vent/comment on things here since you can't at CSi.

Well so all of you "heavy" people put on this show of not minding it

No show...I don't mind. If you chose to call me a lardass from now til I die and I could care less. I'd tell you to get some better material but other than that nah I don't care.

but what about the people who do mind, but just haven't been able to bring themselves to ask Bill to stop... because it might be considered a sign of weakness?

What is noah too scared to tell bill to fuck off? I doubt that and if he is well then he can either take it or stand up.

Or as you said, you defuse the situation by you bringing up being fat first. Why should you even have to deal with making such strategies?

Like I said it was a strategy in HS but now it's just a running joke. Kinda like Chris was the EG Parts Whore. It's a title I gave myself and nothing more. The fact that kathy, myself and our friends go around calling ourselves "the fat crew" when most of them are skinny just goes to show how not seriously we take ourselves.

I actually know two fat people that object to this sort of humor.

I know a whole table of skinny people @ Denny's who were offended by it too.

But according to the rest of you, to be cool and with the "in crowd", you just have to take it and pretend that you like it.

Never said that at fact I've never really picked on noah about his weight but he has never seemed to have a problem with it...if he was to tell me he did have a problem I'd chill on it immediately.

Everyone spouting this "humor" is at least in their 20's... so why are we stuck in this rut of schoolyard humor? Can't we come up with better material than this? And let me amend my previous request to be one of the boys, what I really meant to say was that I enjoy the company of adult males. I don't relate well to girlie chick types... and I guess, not to immature boys either.

So because I call myself fat I'm immature...oook. You know I used to have really bad self esteem issues (still do sometimes) but you know i think I came along way since at Mark's farewell bbq I decided to strip off my shirt when we played wiffleball in the rain. Had I been like I was a few years ago I would have had 4 layers on in the middle of summer.

For the record though I've lost 30lbs and only have another 50 to go before the wedding. 220lbs here i come! :D

As far as fat jokes go...yeah it gets tiresome to see it alot (what doesn't) but I always accepted that as the dynamic of many of the old school csiers relationships...until I see them complain about it I won't lose any sleep on it.

Lastly, and I think that we all are guilty of this line of thinking.... that any time someone argues against us, we feel the need to post an argument back. Because if we don't, then it appears that we are finally agreeing that we are in the wrong. Even when it may go to PM, two of you have felt the need to post their future intention to take it to PM, thereby telling everyone else that they haven't given't up the fight yet.

Actually after my first post here I expected you to IM or PM me. You didn't and when I said it in this thread you said fuck pm's. As long as you keep posting your side out in the open I'm going to post mine too. Want to keep it private? By all means go for have a number of ways to reach me.

eel that I am expected to reply to these comments, but when I do, in the long run, it just adds to my reputation... :roll:

Nope my only views on your "rep" come from your sig. I mean damn you're not on cSi anymore why link to the TX forum and have a quote dissing pat? because all your friends here will sit there and high five you for it like "yeah pats a dick huh huh"

Was this too long for all of you to follow? Need Cliffnotes? *sigh*

Not at all and it's a good way to pass the time since Jackie is in NC with Mary and she's been about the only person I talk to online as of late.
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