What do you do when life sucks?

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These snozzberries taste like snozzberries...
So shit sucks pretty bad right now. Money is worse than tight. I can't find work because of how the stock market is, nobody is hiring. I'm stressed because I don't have a job and money and the gf wants things to get rolling, but she is being supportive. Debt is piling up and i'm getting in a pretty deep hole. Got a speeding ticket today because i decided i wanted a car that cops just love to fuck with.

So what do you guys to to feel better? I'm not going to resort to alcohol, so that isn't the answer. I don't do drugs either. Any suggestions?
Nick what I do is (3) things (1) of them usually works...
1. I think that there are alot of people in the World way more worse off than I.
2. Get tattooed, there is something about it that just chills me out and I forget everything.
3. Get out on my Jet Ski, when I am on the water I forget about all the worries of life.

Hope this helps and hope your luck turns around buddy.
Nick what I do is (3) things (1) of them usually works...
1. I think that there are alot of people in the World way more worse off than I.
2. Get tattooed, there is something about it that just chills me out and I forget everything.
3. Get out on my Jet Ski, when I am on the water I forget about all the worries of life.

Hope this helps and hope your luck turns around buddy.
haha, i love those words of wisdom. I always realize there are people who have it worse. like the little african kids with aids who drink cow blood for meals.

never got tattoo'd up. thought about it though.

the Jet ski is a good idea. i don't have one, but i have my R6. might need to go out tomorrow.

I always have hondaswap to go back to.
What do you do when life sucks?

Get fucking obliverated drunk. I'm hammered right now, and I've been drunk literally every single night for about as long as I can remember.

It works, as far as I can tell.

You said you don't want to resort to alcohol, but I hate to tell you, bro...it's very effective.

And even I, in my infinite stupidity, will NOT resort to riding my bike when I'm pissed off. Getting drunk may possibly hurt you; riding a bike when you're pissed off can and WILL fucking kill you. A 140hp 400lb machine between your legs can do a LOT more damage than a bottle.
I work out. Or run.

or I go hang out with friends then run.

Edit: I remembered one time I broke up with a gf a couple years ago, and I let it really get to me. Not like me breaking up with her was bad, but being lonely again. (gasp) so I ran for like 17 days straight. I got pretty cut pretty quickly at only 3.5 miles a day. But once I Foiund another girl I forgot about running. lol now I'm fat and I don't have any girls so I'm going to go running again tmr. I'm up to like 6x in the last 8 days.
Nick what I do is (3) things (1) of them usually works...
1. I think that there are alot of people in the World way more worse off than I.

#1 works for myself.

I dropped my $400 blackberry off of a rollercoaster and my friend who was at the amusement park with me eventually got out "That really sucks. I know if that happened to me, I'd be REALLY pissed."

At that point I was like, you know what, something worse has happened to someone today. Someone who is probably walking around us, has it worse off than I do. Its only money, not something thats irreplaceable.

He couldn't be how calm I kept and just let things blow over.

I have this saying that I like to call my own.

If you can't change something, whats the point of getting all stressed? The end result is always going to be the same, you're just going to be more upset and nothing is going to have changed.

As for my #2, I work out until I'm basically bloody pulp on days where I need release.

#3 would be to have mass amounts of sex if I'm not too depressed.
Suck up your pride get a job you wouldn't after having experience, like anything from temp work at an office to working at walmart, or even car sales. I know people working temp jobs with a 4 year degree and limited work experience making 20 bucks an hour no benefits. Get a job thats easy to get into, but not something that is a bug commitment, to get some cash coming in while you find a new job. Some money coming in is better than nothing.

And things could be worse. Atleast you don't have any young kids that you have to support right now just yourself.
as the old saying goes:

when life hands you lemons... shut up and eat your fucking lemons
suck it up and work at McD's if you have to. we've all been there. shit 7 bucks an hour in your pocket is better than 8 bucks out for a 6-pack of beer.
[leonphelps] I must have sex and wait for a random occurrence, it will randomly work itself out [/leaonphelps]

I really got no advice, I would say find a job but you say you can't, so I dunno. Try monster.com or soemthing
I agree on the whole temporary job part, even though I'm only 19. My stepdad just moved out though so I'm helping out with my mom as much as I can since she also has to support my 10 year old brother, and I've been at wendys for the past 3 years. Yeah, the work:money ratio sucks, but something is better than nothing.

Alcohol works wonders.

Tattoo's also calm me down, both of the ones I have I got when I was under some sort of stress.

Working out is great. Running is great. Take up boxing or something.

Something else that helps me relieve stress sometimes is instead of thinking about all the negative things, focusing on the positive things. Like yeah, work may be hard to find, and debt may be piling up, but on the bright side, you have a supportive girlfriend who obviously cares about you for a lot more than what you have (which is a million times more than I can say for a lot of us, including myself, fucking bitches :(,) you have a car that can get you around need be, and you woke up today.

I donno if that helps at all but its something I do.
I agree with the 'get any job' thing. I worked at a gas station for 9 months 2 years ago. I went from $85k to $12k in one move. But it helped me while I found another "quality" job (I worked at the Ferrari shop for $12 an hour after that) Getting the crappy job actually allows for two things:

You're not SO stressed that you take any crappier job that comes along. You're making SOMETHING.
It squelches the crushing depression, because at least you know you're doing something to make it all better.

I would get the shitty job for 2 weeks, then take a nice bike ride until you're out of gas. Whatever is therapeutic to you.
Oh, and I can tell you one thing: No one will hire a depressed person, and they can smell it on you the moment you walk through the door. By getting a low paying, shit job, at least you fight off being miserable. Misery stinks, and you won't be hired by anyone with it
A 140hp 400lb machine between your legs can do a LOT more damage than a bottle.
Very, Very true
I work out. Or run.
I like to work out a lot. i need to get back in the gym.
#3 would be to have mass amounts of sex if I'm not too depressed.
gf is on her period. :(
And things could be worse. Atleast you don't have any young kids that you have to support right now just yourself.
good point. but then again, if i did have kids, i wouldn't be trying to get a good career.
suck it up and work at McD's if you have to. we've all been there. shit 7 bucks an hour in your pocket is better than 8 bucks out for a 6-pack of beer.
it's christmas season right now, so there is some warehouse work i'm considering.

all in all, it could be a lot worse. i'm going to spend some time with my family. that always makes things better. i wasn't close with my family when i was younger, but now that i'm older it makes a big difference.
Oh, and I can tell you one thing: No one will hire a depressed person, and they can smell it on you the moment you walk through the door. By getting a low paying, shit job, at least you fight off being miserable. Misery stinks, and you won't be hired by anyone with it
ya, thats true. when i interview, i'm self-aware. which means, i know i'm grumpy so i pro-actively put on a show. it's like being a cheerleader. waiting on a couple calls from some interviews. *crosses fingers*