Xbox 360 or PS3?

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I find that really funny after having 4 360s die on me.
I bought my PS2 2 weeks after it came out and have way more hours on it due to fall out 3 and Oblivion yet... for some reason it still works.

My current 360 sounds like it's about to die, anytime I play Fable 2 the CD drive sounds like its scratching the hell out of the disc.

PS3 = paper weight? haha, yeah sure buddy.
Install Fable to your hard drive?
I just picked up Fable II, F.E.A.R. 2 and Lost Odyssey while Gamestop has their buy 2 get 1 free going on. Fable II is pretty good, FEAR 2 is great.
Since i am on LIVE everyday and almost only play online, the 360 is my choice. I do respect the PS3 but ever since the first XBOX came out, its been the system for me.
Outside of the Gears of War 1 (didn't like 2)
Street Fighter 4 kicks ass, bought it for PS3 *would rather of had it for 360 due to xboxlive, however xbox + dpad = TOTAL FIAL!

You could have bought the SF4 game pad.. Shit I want one for my ps3 for some of the downloaded games I have. Just saying :D.
I've played the PS3, and call me a fan boy all you want, I'd take a new 360 any day of the week over it.
I've played the PS3, and call me a fan boy all you want, I'd take a new 360 any day of the week over it.

Sounds like something a fan boy would say.

I played halo 3 on the 360 and thought the game sucked, therefor The PS3 is better......

Check out Little big planet, if you're into making things, the game is soooo kick ass.
blu-ray would be the only reason i would buy a ps3.. i was always a playstation guy, only because of Gran Turismo (the first one, started it all) ... but since Forza is basically the same thing, but better.. xbox for me please
little big planet would be the only reason I bought a ps3

Little Big Planet
Metal Gear
Call of Duty series
Resistance 1/2
Uncharted 1/2
ratchet and clank
FallOut 3
Street Fighter 4
Tekken 6
GT5 is looking soooo bad assss did you see the video I posted?

Those are off the top of my head.

But yeah I'm with you, little big planet is the only game worth playing on the PS3....
Sounds like something a fan boy would say.

I played halo 3 on the 360 and thought the game sucked, therefor The PS3 is better......

Check out Little big planet, if you're into making things, the game is soooo kick ass.

How is it better for the PS3 when it's exactly the same? Thats like me saying Halo 3 is better on the 360.

You just sound like a PS3 fanboy, jeffie. lol

I personally like the 360 better because there seems to be more games, and a better online experience. When I played COD4 on the PS3, it'd take 10 minutes to get enough people for the match, and nobody would have mics. why bother then?

Use the bs name calling all you want, but I've played several games on both so like yourself, I can judge the PS3 all I want.
I am unlike most of you who have just played both systems, as I OWN both and have had to live with my decision to spend that much money when I should have just gone with a PS3 alone.

PS3 FTW Thats what I say. I don't know how many of you actually have both, but if you did you would probably wish you hadn't gotten one or the other.
I'm not spending more on a PS3. I'm invested in the 360, several controllers, an entire rockband setup, upwards of 12 different games for it...

I played my PS2 and loved it for upwards of 9 years. Going to the 360 in 07, and then trying to play on the smaller less ergonomical PS controllers just felt awkward.

I don't see how it makes me a fanboy, but I am more of a 360 owner than anything. Besides, hearing the blip of achievements unlocking is fun.
Yep, that is something I enjoy too. I'm not saying I despise 360 tho. If I did I would have sold it a while ago. I like both system sperately for different reasons, but not enough to throw one out.

The main reason I still have a bias towards the PS3 is Blu ray, Not because of the movies or whatever, i could giva shit bout that.

It's because the devs can fit a whole helluva lot more info on each one, making the limits of what they can do as far as graphics and overall story length much further out from what we are used to.

The only thing that's holding them back is that they haven't totally mastered the cell architecture just yet. But when they do, you can expect the PS3's gameplay and number of killer games to skyrocket in terms of quality.
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How is it better for the PS3 when it's exactly the same? Thats like me saying Halo 3 is better on the 360.

You just sound like a PS3 fanboy, jeffie. lol

I personally like the 360 better because there seems to be more games, and a better online experience. When I played COD4 on the PS3, it'd take 10 minutes to get enough people for the match, and nobody would have mics. why bother then?

Use the bs name calling all you want, but I've played several games on both so like yourself, I can judge the PS3 all I want.

You missed the point, I was being a smart ass.

I've played the PS3, and call me a fan boy all you want, I'd take a new 360 any day of the week over it.
You said you played the PS3 you didn't say anything about what game/s or for how long then said you'd take a 360 anyday over it, That's why I said I played Halo 3 (thought it sucked) therefor I wrote the system off based on me joking about playing 1 game. (no I didn't write it off, again just joking about it)

COD IS the same on both systems as with most other games put out for both systems. Is one system clearly better then the next? IMO no.

I like the things I stated above about the PS3 and outside of xbox live I like my PS3 more because of those reasons.

PS3 and Xbox as of right now both have a lot of games. Outside of the xbox blowing up at any moment, there really is no right or wrong system.

That's where I feel I'm different. 360 fanboys keep writing the system off just because, oh ummm well no games yeah thats it! xbox > PS3!!!!
I never said one system was better than the other. Besides the fact that I personally am not used to the PS controllers anymore, and what games I do play on the 360 I don't/won't want to buy again for a PS3, so there is no point in buying something I don't need. That doesn't make me a fanboy. Nor does it make anyone else one because they don't need two systems when one is good enough and the other is a waste of money.
:werd: i prefer 360 because of games and the achievements.. its gives that extra goal after you already beat the game.. kinda keeps you interested in it
errrr... yeah the ps3 has it's own achievments... called trophies... dunno if you xboxer's knew that so i had to put it out there... :ninja:
Yeah, I know it has 'trophies', that still doesn't negate the fact that I don't need to spend money on a PS3 when my xbox does the same thing.
I never said one system was better than the other.
however, I'd take a new 360 any day of the week over it.

Besides the fact that I personally am not used to the PS controllers anymore, and what games I do play on the 360 I don't/won't want to buy again for a PS3, so there is no point in buying something I don't need. That doesn't make me a fanboy. Nor does it make anyone else one because they don't need two systems when one is good enough and the other is a waste of money.

I understand where youre coming from, I just keep bringing it up because this is a what to buy thread. the person who started this thread does not have any games for either system. You shoot down the PS3 because you already have games for the 360 and like the controllers better.

I only point out fan boy because you were quick to write off the PS3 based on saying you played it, not listing any games, and were able to write it off.

Again to the OP, both systems are good, main downside to the 360 is the system is a piece of shit that blows up at random. the upside is xbox live.

PS3 downside is the play station network while free is not as good as xbox live, the upside is a better system hardware wise.

Controllers do play a big role, some people like 360 controllers others like the PS3 controllers, its not a make or break deal but it does play a role in what system to buy.