xbox 360 ?

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The XBox 360 Host way more games than the PS3 but it is more expensive and has less graphics, no free online play or blueray "but" it has the games and a unique Online System.
I bought the Resident Evil XBox and it was just as cheap as the 20 Gig but it came with a Red Console a Red Controller and Resident Evil 4 and a 120Gig HD all for the same price! It was at GameStop & Used but I have had it since the Release of RE4 and had no problems with about 20 Gigs of Movies and Another 10 Gigs in Demo's and Games on the HD. If you play alot or use it for "Pirated" Music/Movies you should go with the Elite. Expasion packs and future upgrades and system updates will definately take away space but if you are a casual gamer the 20 Gig is the way to go! : )
The 360 elite and PS3 are both $299, how is it more expensive? Oh that 14 cents a day (Do the math, it's $50 per YEAR) you have to spend for a gold account to play online. *eyeroll*

360 > PS3 Games
360 > PS3 Online
PS3 > 360 Quality

2/3rds is enough of the majority for me.
If it wasn't for the rebate, I'd say wait for the Modern Warfare 2 unit. 250gb hdd and the game for $400, but at $250 after the rebate, it's a no-brainer.
well i got it today, i like so far just been trying to figure out how to go live all dang day but got nothing but bad info, my bro in law told me sense i have a cable modem there only good for 1 thing at a time, he told me to go buy a router and a long ether net cable and it would work, so i went to radio shack told the guy what i was there for and he said no no no just buy this and showed me a ether net switch with 5 outlets he said it would work the same, well it didnt so i called the company of the ether net switch and they told me that i need a router also lol, so tomorrow im gonna get one and go from there. hope that works
PS3 has free internet/online gameplay. with xbox you have to pay for your internet and pay them to allow you to use what your already paying for.

get one of these. i posted a link under the photo for one for $18 bucks.


Then you can connect to the internet free and wireless. a feature you have to pay an extra 100-200 dollars for with xbox.
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i saw one of your threads about your computer before... it shows how much you know. lmao

I guess computers and stuff just isn't your cup of tea.
You don't need a wireless unless you know how to lock it, unless you want neighbors to mooch off your internet.

You really should have a router though, linksys has always worked well for me. I actually have a linksys router I'm using as a switch for all my stuff downstairs.

Unless you want to run your computer and xbox at the same time, you shouldn't need a router. Its just easier to use and set up if you do.
its pretty simple to lock that router tho. plus it will make his computer, ps3 and xbox constantly connected. which is always nice.
If you or anyone else for that matter is thinking about buying a wireless adapter for your 360, hold off because the FCC just signed of on the 360 wireless N unit a week ago or so. Once that starts shipping the price on the a/b/g adapter is sure to drop.
I still don't understand why PS3 fanboys jizz all over having wireless. You do NOT want to play games over wireless, it's not nearly as stable or fast as having a wired connection. Just run a damn cable along your baseboard to your 360/PS3.
I play over wireless with no issues... maybe xbox wont play wireless good. but my ps3 is great.
You're just too blinded by your fanboyism to realize it sucks. With wireless you'll get slower speeds and a much higher ping. When I had my PS3 I tried playing Killzone 2 over wireless and it was bad. I plugged it in and it's a vast improvement. Stop being dense.