yet another katrina thread...

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they were trying to evacuate patients. they got 150 out of 500 out and starting being shot at.
national guard came, but they still havent been able to evacuate more, and there is still 600 hospital staff there.
Originally posted by micah@Sep 1 2005, 02:47 PM
they were trying to evacuate patients. they got 150 out of 500 out and starting being shot at.
national guard came, but they still havent been able to evacuate more, and there is still 600 hospital staff there.
[post=548365]Quoted post[/post]​

If there was a need for a little bit of a cleansing....finding the people that would fire on a bunch of people just trying to leave a hospital. Shoot some of those rocket propelled grenades that irradiate whole buildings...take care of a lot of snipers all at once... :ph34r:
Fuck courtesey, I'm all for sending in an all-out military extraction team to save these people. Carry a gun, and youre not on your own property, and you seem to be using it in an unlawful manner; you = dead. I'm sure no one will notice a few extra floating bodies. I want to see the Marine Expeditionary force land at NO.

BOOM! Headshot! :ph34r:

But seriously, this is expected of a (dare I say it)mainly minority population in an urban area. They lived poorly, now they want to fuck the system and kill whitey. given, I'm not trying to be racist at all, its just the levity of the situation.

As for good news, seems that a Navy LCS (landing craft ship) is on it's way to LA, along with a slew of Navy ships, and LCACs.
We try not to use the word "Irradiate" on US soil. :) I think this would be a perfect time to allow some Military forces in there for some practice.

The bad thing about the Martial law thing is, that they will have practice. And that will make it that much smoother and concrete when they finally declare it in YOUR town. I prefer to be able to catch them off guard should I feel the need to bug out and head for the hills.


-> Steve
you know when they gave the order to pull terry shiavo (sp) feeding tube congress reassembled on a sunday night of a holiday to pass legislation.

katrina hit monday, congress MAY be back tomorrow to startd ealing with this problem. 5 days later
martial law should be avoided at ALL COSTS under this present administration...

once bush gets martial law it will NEVER GO AWAY... :ph34r:
nor will he... :ph34r:
All partisan shit aside, All of our lawmakers and congresscrooks are nothing but a bunch of corrupt, grab-ass dirtbags.

-> Steve
you know when they gave the order to pull terry shiavo (sp) feeding tube congress reassembled on a sunday night of a holiday to pass legislation.

katrina hit monday, congress MAY be back tomorrow to startd ealing with this problem. 5 days later

ooh damn...

All partisan shit aside, All of our lawmakers and congresscrooks are nothing but a bunch of corrupt, grab-ass dirtbags.

-> Steve

i concur...
Just need to get everyone out...rebuild the place i dont know.....above sea level and lather, rinse and repeat...

i still support my previous comment of declaring temporary martial law until everyone is out of the city and the dome.
New Orleans is FUCKED, no matter how you look at it. They need to just shoot looters on site that are looting malls, electronics stores, etc...Someone taking food is a different story, but some person carrying 5 bags of clothes isn't a necessity. As much as I hate Bush, he can only do so much, law and order needs to be restored before ANYTHING can be accomplished. Honestly, I hope another storm comes and just fucking takes New Orleans into the Gulf, all of the smart people evacuated, or are being evacuated. Let the looters be killed by another hurricane, they deserve it.
How much did the gov't decide to send to where ever that was that got hit with a tsunami? This is your own country .. I think that would be a good start...
The prisons in the area have started releasing prisoners, some of them very danerous. Shots have been fired at rescue workers and people have been warned not to show any water they might have because they might be murdered. Yes much food has been looted and good, becuase it would just spoil if they didn't eat it anyways, what kills me is that authorities have been quoted as saying one of the most often looted stores since the hurrican is FOOT LOCKER!!!!!!

I say if you kill all the dangerous prisoners you have more then enough room for the docile ones. Not fair? Maybe you should have thought of that before you raped that woman, held that liqour store up at gun/knife point, or killed that person. Authorize people to take food from the local stores and declare marshall law which will allow you to ensure people aren't unsessesarily hording food while others starve. And finally bring in the Army/ USMC and shoot people on site for firing on rescue helicopters or looting a non life sustaining commercial outlet. There are simply too many people in this country who treat a national crisis as there personal "blue light special" and they must be stopped. This is America and a hurricane does not give you the right to go get those new basketball shoes you can't afford because you won't get a job.
According to the pacifica news show for the next three days 1,400 (each day) national guard members with MP training will make their way to LA to help keep the piece.
As to FEMA's incompetance, the Bush administration is partially to blame here. After "unsatisfactory" results of their intervention with regard to hurricane andew the Bush administration made FEMA under the juristiction of the Department of Homeland Security. Subsequently FEMA and the DofHS share a budget. Needless to say, the DofHS's "defending" (anyone catch the sixty minutes special about small towns (who would never be the target of terrorism) appropriating federal funds to get totally unnecessary anti-terrorism equipment?) has a monetary priority over disaster relief.
As to the looters, man, i dont even know what to say. I don't know how one could hear of their behavior and keep any faith in the inner goodness of humanity. Really brings to mind a bit of Hobbes that i read in a government class:
Hereby it is manifest that during the time men live without a common power to keep them all in awe, they are in that condition which is called war; and such a war as is of every man against every man. For war consisteth not in battle only, or the act of fighting, but in a tract of time, wherein the will to contend by battle is sufficiently known: and therefore the notion of time is to be considered in the nature of war, as it is in the nature of weather. For as the nature of foul weather lieth not in a shower or two of rain, but in an inclination thereto of many days together: so the nature of war consisteth not in actual fighting, but in the known disposition thereto during all the time there is no assurance to the contrary. All other time is peace.

Whatsoever therefore is consequent to a time of war, where every man is enemy to every man, the same consequent to the time wherein men live without other security than what their own strength and their own invention shall furnish them withal. In such condition there is no place for industry, because the fruit thereof is uncertain: and consequently no culture of the earth; no navigation, nor use of the commodities that may be imported by sea; no commodious building; no instruments of moving and removing such things as require much force; no knowledge of the face of the earth; no account of time; no arts; no letters; no society; and which is worst of all, continual fear, and danger of violent death; and the life of man, solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short.

I just wish that those people could step back and look at their behavior, and think if thats what they want to be remembered as. Of course, there is context to all of this, but then agian i dont really feel like writting an essay on class conflict and racial inequalities. The context does not justify their actions, but i think it helps in understanding. Truth is, I don't know what can be done with these people. I'd like to see them all exiled to a place where they can enact their brutality and greed on one another and not be a threat to society.

The brighter side of this all is that I think that America's citizenry will pull through and help all who need it with financial contributions. While the spirit of national community may not exist in the minority of the people who are taking advantage of a devistated city, I think that the rest of America will be able to empathize with those who are down and out, and do what they can to help out. Of course, this looting and rioting development may sour people's generosity.
Originally posted by Blanco@Sep 1 2005, 11:51 PM
Shame on anyone who says to shoot their fellow Americans on sight, you are no better than the people you condem. In fact, you're worse because you do it from a holier-than-thou perspective. Understanding a problem is the first step towards solving it.
[post=548629]Quoted post[/post]​

These are not looters and petty theives they'll be shooting.

Full out Warlords have taken power with assault weapons and scores of followers. At the moment, they ARE the law. And like anyone in power, they're not going to give it up without a fight.
last i heard, austrailia has sent over a team and canada has MP's on stand-by.
They fucked up now.

My cousin, who is in the marines, was just deployed there. He doesn't do rescue. He doesn't do aid. He kills. Thats what his job is. They sent an entire batallion of those fuckers there. They were the ones who took Faluja..sp?.. I saw the marine videos that people don't see.. The USMC can be quite ruthless. A car pulls in front of a convoy, gets blown to fucking smitherines. Convoy never even slowed down. A group of "terrorists" jumped out in front of a convoy.. They lit them up like a fucking christmas tree.. You could see limbs flying off.. chunks of skull just spattering all over the damned place. They just ran over the remains and kept trucking.

Good luck looters :D
At this point the true problem looters need to be classified as a militant group. It's not surprising that they're resorting to a full-on military presence because that's how it should have been in the first place.