Yo momma joke thread

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These snozzberries taste like snozzberries...
fuck me i'm bored. join me in agony.

Yo momma’s so stupid she invented a wheelchair with pedals
yo momma is so fat, her ass looks like 2 pigs fighting over a milk dud.
Yo mama's so ugly, they push her face into dough to make gorilla cookies.

Yo mama's so ugly, when she looks in the mirror, the reflection ducks.

Yo mama's so ugly, she looks like she's been in a dryer filled with rocks.
you momma's so fat, the back of her neck looks like a package of hot dogs.
Your mother is so uneducated she presumes Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle deals with Jews sometimes spending money...instead of saving it.
Yo momma reminds me of a toilet bowl, she is fat, white and smells like shit.
Yo momma is like a bowling ball, you can picker her up, finger her, throw her down the gutter and she still will come back for more.
yo momma is so stupid she thought chicken in a biskit used real chickens