I am losing my corner office

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Here's my little slice of heaven + my personal bathroom.
My desk is pretty clean considering its tax season.

the droid can take a decent picture as seen in #2, but i leaned it against the wall to snap that one.
I don't exactly have what you would call a steady hand.


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dammit, this sucks, i work in a company where only the CEO has an office. although his office is really anything but...its a tiny conference room that he never uses.

im off su-t so i'll post back tomorrow.


This is what I stare at ALL DAY EVERY DAY...

holy shit dude, my last office had those phones....they're straight up from 1985.
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holy shit dude, my last office had those phones....they're straight up from 1985.

ease up man... hes from Alaska... it takes a while for technology to get that far north... hell it has to make it through Canadia before it gets there

If they dont give me back my stapler, I'll set the building on fire.

I'd shoot pictures of my cubicle, but then I'd have to kill all of you. ;)

I actually gave up a nice sheetrock office to move to my new position in the cube farm- the headquarters type facilities reserve wall offices for directors and VPs. Everyone else is in the cubicles- even the managers that have been with the company 25-30 years.
yeah you have to be chief of something to get an office at the rack. even then only a few of those guys have offices due to the culture...everyone kinda gets why lanham has an office, but the fact that he is usually on the floor or out of the office gets him a lot of points with the internal staff. Probably the coolest CEO i've ever worked for.

ugh, what is this, thread 8 in the last 2 weeks ive gotten off topic.
my "office" is a measly 20'x10' horseshoe desk, 15 computers and 25 or so monitors. oh and the smaller "backup office" with identical equipment, you know, in case my office catches fire or something. man i feel you, i wish i had more space :(

lol :) sorry.
Here by my sweet pad that I spend way to much time in. But at least I have a window.


