b16 gen1 swap, j1 tranny, 88crxsi, what axles/shaft to use?

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I need help ASAP. I'm done with everything else with the swap, except this. I bought 91 integra non-abs axles for this swap. Gen1 b16 swap. I'm using the intermediate shaft that came with the swap. My drivers side axle is not turning at all. My passenger side is. After searching on this, people have told other people that they need a 90-93 teg int. shaft. Do I need to replace the one that came with my swap with this? Any other ideas? Help PLEASE.
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Yeah, acura wants 288 dollars for a new one, and I can't find any 90-93 integras at the local junk yards, so any other ideas?
Okay, I found out when I took everything apart that my brakes pads were rusted to the rotor. I'm thinking that may have played a part. Could it be that I don't need the new int. shaft? Found some on ebay for 50 bucks, but I'd rather not buy it if I don't need it. Also, Do I have to remove the dust rings on the steering knuckle? I've heard rumors about that. If so, would I still need to if I went with the teg int. shaft? Plz help. Thanks guys, I appreciate the help that some of you have given me on my swap. I am a noob when it comes to swaps/mods, but I'm trying not to be;)
And are these the dust rings or whatever that I would have to remove if I have to remove them?


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I bought a brand new axle at Advanced for $90 - $40 for a core. it only costed me $60 for a brand new axle...

call up Advanced.
Those are remanufactured, not new. And $90-$40 = $50, not $60.
I bought a brand new axle at Advanced for $90 - $40 for a core. it only costed me $60 for a brand new axle...

call up Advanced.
I went to advance yesterday. They said that they don't carry, nor can they order them. The guy at the counter didn't even really seem like he knew what a intermediate shaft was, even after I tried to explain it to him. Idiot. I also looked on their site, and couldn't find it. Do you happen to know what the part number is so I can give them that?
Any ideas on the other questions? Thanks.
The intermidiate shaft is a dealer part only. I think a friend of mine has one. I'll let you know asap. and Andrew thought you were talking about the axles, not the interm shaft.

Just use 90-93 non-abs Integra axles with the 90-93 Integra Intermidiate shaft, make sure you remove the dust caps at the end of the axles and your golden. When I get a hold of my friend, i'll PM you.
Is there a difference between the 90-93 teg and the SIR intermediate shaft? I already have the 91 teg non-abs axles. Do I HAVE to get the teg int. shaft? I will if I have to, but if I don't need to, then it's a waste of money.
Also, update on the swap. I took the dust rings off, put it all back together, and now the driver side spins, but the passenger side doesn't. This is strange. I wonder if maybe the axle isn't all the way into the transmission. I'll have to do it all over again tommorow. Yay, nothing better than working on your car in the rain and cold:mad:
As for the intermediate shaft, the only reason I still ask is because I don't want to ruin axles all the time. If I need it, I'll get it.
Is there a difference between the 90-93 teg and the SIR intermediate shaft? I already have the 91 teg non-abs axles. Do I HAVE to get the teg int. shaft? I will if I have to, but if I don't need to, then it's a waste of money.
Also, update on the swap. I took the dust rings off, put it all back together, and now the driver side spins, but the passenger side doesn't. This is strange. I wonder if maybe the axle isn't all the way into the transmission. I'll have to do it all over again tommorow. Yay, nothing better than working on your car in the rain and cold:mad:
As for the intermediate shaft, the only reason I still ask is because I don't want to ruin axles all the time. If I need it, I'll get it.
If you have the SiR Shaft you 'should' be ok but everytime I've used the Sir shaft i've used the SiR axles (I get my complete swaps from hmotors and they come with both the axles and interm shaft) don't worry about the wheels spinning, that has nothing to do with the axle itself...worry about if the axle fits correctly and doesn't bind when you turn. It'll spin like it supposed to unless your brakes are sticking, the tranny is in gear, or the tranny is fucked up.
Well, mine was like new then, and after tax it was around $60.. thats what I meant.
If you have the SiR Shaft you 'should' be ok but everytime I've used the Sir shaft i've used the SiR axles (I get my complete swaps from hmotors and they come with both the axles and interm shaft) don't worry about the wheels spinning, that has nothing to do with the axle itself...worry about if the axle fits correctly and doesn't bind when you turn. It'll spin like it supposed to unless your brakes are sticking, the tranny is in gear, or the tranny is fucked up.

I have the axles in, and the hub reassembled. But I'm not sure what you mean by "binding". I know this sounds stupid, but what is it?How can I tell if it's binding? And what else could it be that causes one wheel to spin, and not the other, if not the axles? Thanks for the help guys. I appreciate it. The less time I have to spend out in the cold rain trying to figure this out on my own, the better.
I have the axles in, and the hub reassembled. But I'm not sure what you mean by "binding". I know this sounds stupid, but what is it?How can I tell if it's binding? And what else could it be that causes one wheel to spin, and not the other, if not the axles? Thanks for the help guys. I appreciate it. The less time I have to spend out in the cold rain trying to figure this out on my own, the better.
Binding is when the metal rod part of the axle starts to bend when you turn because it is too long. If one wheel isn't spinning then you don't have it all the way in the tranny. trust me, it looks like it's in but just keep wiggling it and pushing it in and it'll eventually go all the way in the tranny.
I got it! My car is driving now!!
Turns out that the only thing that ended up being wrong was this:
When I first had the problem of not having any spinnage on the drivers side, I removed everything, took the dust sheild off, and put everything back together again. Then the passenger side didn't sping. Turns out a neighbor came over to watch and he knows a bit, and told me that only one side was going to spin at a time, and this is why the pass. side wasn't. He suggested lowering the car, then trying to drive it. And that was it. Turns out that the only thing wrong was that I didn't know that only one was supposed to spin when not on the ground. Figures I find this out after 3 times of assembling and disassembling the steering knuckle, etc.. Oh well, at the very least, a learning experience. Now I'm off to get it insured, plated, registered, and get the exhaust fitted to the downpipe. Thanks guys for responding to my posts. It's been a complicated project, with this being my first swap and all, and you guys have saved me time and money.
One last thing. Does this mean I don't need the teg int. shaft? Or could I still mess up the axles if I don't get it.
uh, that doesn't sound right...when both wheels are off the ground, if you spin one wheel the other wheel is supposed to move in the opposite direction, unless of course you have LSD. In the case of the LSD both wheels should spin the same way when one is being spun by you. but if your car is running that's good... no you shouldn't need the teg shaft, you'll be fine.
no no, as you said, when turned forward on one side, the other side turns backward. however, when in gear and up on jackstands, it would only turn the drivers side. I guess it has something to do with the differential or gear setup or something. beats me.
since I don't need a teg shaft, did I need to take off the dust shields?
no no, as you said, when turned forward on one side, the other side turns backward. however, when in gear and up on jackstands, it would only turn the drivers side. I guess it has something to do with the differential or gear setup or something. beats me.
since I don't need a teg shaft, did I need to take off the dust shields?
oh ok...I see what you're saying now. If you are using the SiR shaft with the 90-93 teg axles then yes the dust seals needed to go. Oh BTW- are we talking about the same dust seal? I'm talking about the one that is small and black on the axle where the splines go into the hub...are you talking about your brake dust shields that goes around the back side of the rotor? lol if so you can put them back on if you like lol
Lol. I'm talking about the sheilds in the pics above. But I guess I could have removed the wrong thing. It is possible, with this being my first time messing with the area of my car(-brakes).
And yes, I am using the int. shaft that came with my b16 gen1 swap.
If I don't need a new int. shaft, I'm guessing that's because some of the gen1 swaps were from integras of those years. So maybe the jdm teg and the usdm teg int. shafts are the same?