My girls

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I started dating this girl named megan this summer like beginning of june. Everything was great until about the end of July, her best friend didn't like all the time she was spending with me instead of her so she told her to break up with me or they weren't friends anymore. So she kinda told me about it an did... but then they got in a fight an her an I got back together for 2 more months, so like september 2 of her friends one of them is the same bitch as before, told her pretty much the same thing. Megan told me about it an I told her, screw your friends they're worthless retards. An like both her friends are pretty good looking an megan is gorgeous an they kinda all are bitchy to eachother...must be a girl thing? anyways i told her if she broke up with me an tried to come back when they get in a fight that i will gladly take care of the whole problem. So one night she went over to her friends house an i get a call saying she needs a break an i kinda thought it was going to happen. About a week later i got a job at the same place as her bestfriend, (this girl supposeably hated me) she didn't talk to me the first like 2 days. Then we kinda started talking, then knowing that megan would get pissed off I asked out her bestfriend, that made them start fighting an they haven't talked since that day, I fucked her friend then dumped her an got back with megan the next day an have been with her everyday since.

So basically i'm wondering, was that wrong to do?
Because I was going to be either of those girls' bitch... Megan is very loyal and faithful to me an she's going to move in with me pretty soon. We are together everyday, we basically live together already but it'll be official soon. I'll put a pic of her on here too so you guys can tell me if it was worth that trouble or not.
I don't think anything you've done so far counts as a legitimate relationship. You're a slut, you don't really care what's "right". You're 18 and getting laid as often as you can, which there is nothing wrong with, but don't pretend like there is a right or wrong way to be man-ho.
actually i'm 17....not 18 for a month or so. an i personally don't think i was right...but i dont think that she or her friend were right either, an both girls learned from this.
damn man..dmp that girl and send her my way..shes hott as hell...good job tho fucking the friend and then dumpin lol..thats wha i call a hit n run:D
HAHA, ya an her friend looks a lot like her but has some DD's, but she's much bitchier. My girl is amazing. She can cook very well. She likes cars, she likes stuff that i like, an she never argues with me when i tell her stuff. I love her very much, at the time that all this took place I just liked her, it has been months since then and we've spent soooo much time together an my parents love her an i have a great relationship with her parents. so all is well now.
Has the average IQ of this board plummeted to a new all time low?
aww wtf..thread wasted....:Dnaw jp man...but goodluck with her..she really is beautiful..and from what you describe shes a keeper..treat her good.
I'm actually quite smart thanks. =] What I probably should've done at the time is just walked away completely, but I'm still with her an everything is perfect so I think that it was worth it. Definately shouldn't have eff'd her friend....But thats part of being young I guess?
Thanks injen, I think you're the only one who saw her pic...I took it off, but yes she is very beautiful, an is a great girl an I'm going to take very good care of her. I bought her a diamond necklace for her birthday at the end of October an she wears it everyday! All you other guys....well honestly say what you want, at the end of the day I still have a fine girl. Thanks though for you're input, negitive or positive...
I'm actually quite smart thanks. =] What I probably should've done at the time is just walked away completely, but I'm still with her an everything is perfect so I think that it was worth it. Definately shouldn't have eff'd her friend....But thats part of being young I guess?

I just fear that I was as stupid as you, five years ago.
lol no doubt im always here to give my input...and yea going and fucking her friend was part of bein young..we just wanna experience all the snatch in the world:o
Dude my gf has very good looking friends, my brother has dated 3 of them an my next door neighbor who is my age is dating the "ex-bestfriend" the one i fucked...haha..

An yes burnout i'm sure when I get into my 20's an older I'll look back an think that everything i ever did was stupid but at the time it doesn't seem to bad.... i'm at the age where it's okay to mess up a little bit because i still have so much time to fix it i guess....idk
i remember when i was 17 and in "love", then after a few years it gets boring and you(both of you) go onto better things. well good luck with everything i hope it works out fine
Well i'm getting my own place here pretty soon, an she's moving in with me. Finishing her classes online an i'm finishing my last highschool class right now. An its not even half way through the school year. After i'm done, I start out at $35/Hour working for my dad's company, so I can pretty much fend for myself an take care of her too until she's done with school then it'll all be good. I've been with lot's of girls but this girl makes me happy every single day an she shares all my interest an supports me in everything I do as I do for her. And we both try extra hard with eachother because my parents recently went through a nasty divorce an hers are like right she never wants to be at home, which is why she's going to move in with me because she doesn't want to be around all that and i don't want her to be around it either. But yes i know i'm young, and i've already thought about the "later on" stuff but i think we should last. She's a very amazing girl i think.

Thanks man.
you know some of us might have saw the perty blond with shinny lip gloss up close and save the pic as

j/k i saw it but didnt save it lol
LOLOLOL:ph34r: you're sneaky!

ya she is pretty, she's sick right now. =\

she's sleepin...i'd go wake her ass up but its like waking up a bear in hibernation... i'm kinda scared to wake her up. it's bad...hahaha

but thanks =]