who is your candidate???

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whats wrong with McCain? I feel like he is the moderate president that this country needs. The only thing I don't like is that he's old as hell.

werd...if he gets the nom...thats probably where my vote will go. i know he doesnt serve many of my core issues, but none of the remaining candidates do.

i was actually just talking to a barista about this....i love educated people that understand ron paul sounds like he has a plan, but his implimentation is flawed...since he, just like every other president has to get his agenda passed. and ron paul's plans will never, and should never be passed (minus his economic policy...which crumbles when he brings home the troops).
After you vote for someone who wants socialistic medicine and everyone stops going to yale to become doctors because trash men will make more than them, don't come to me crying :)
why in gods name would you go to that site to determine who your president is going to be....the only reason i used it in my counter point was because you used it initially...meaning whatever it says must be true.

if you listen/watch the debates...its easier to make a decision.
i've yet to find something inaccurate with ontheissues.org. They've taken no sides and just publish the facts.
After you vote for someone who wants socialistic medicine and everyone stops going to yale to become doctors because trash men will make more than them, don't come to me crying :)

Dude, this is EXACTLY what needs to happen. Have you met doctors from Yale ? They are permanently set to "Stupid"
a stupid doctor is better than no doctor IMO. i'd rather have someone at least try to fix me who might have seen something before than joe Q legchopper fix my broken leg
i'm not gone, i'm just tired of being taxed to hell, and not eligible for my $600 from the gov't while illegals are eligible for 3million of the stipends just passed.

Why do i even work?

don't tax me bro
our country is not ready for the change he has to offer...and it could ultimately bring us down.
Sounds like you agree with the change but are too afraid to try. Decisions based on fear means terrorism has defeated you.
im under no illusions as to why we are in most of the countries we 'occupy'. We have a vested interest in converting middle eastern nations over to our form of democracy. Then we have a say in how the country is run, and ultimately, who its allies and enemies are.
And if the roles were reversed, and some other govt. was doing this to us, you'd be outside throwing thermal bombs at their APC's and planting roadside bombs. Can't you see how hypocritical that is?
believe me...there are bigger things comming our way than israel, iraq and iran can even hope to muster. Putin is doing a damn fine job rebuilding russia, and that can only mean bad things for us.

By being in the middle east we have a strategic, non-mainland presence in the region. Its in our best interest.
Shouldn't we ally ourselves with them and bolster an economic exchange that is mutually beneficial instead of conquering strategic territory and provoking not only them, but the entire middle east? Diplomacy doesn't register for you?
i was actually just talking to a barista about this....i love educated people that understand ron paul sounds like he has a plan, but his implimentation is flawed...since he, just like every other president has to get his agenda passed. and ron paul's plans will never, and should never be passed
Like you said, it's a system of checks and balances. Nobody should have their agenda promoted without it being balanced by someone elses. The Congress and the current administration have proven their "Throw caution to the wind, spend it while we don't got it, screw the coming generations, fuck the long term economy" liberalism. We need a STRONGLY conservative president to balance that and keep them from wasting your tax dollars with these outrageous fiscal policies. Of course his "agenda" won't see complete fruition, but the balance he will provide can save our economy. And right now it needs saving, and no one else has the balls to even try.
(minus his economic policy...which crumbles when he brings home the troops).
You mean the mercenary contract killers would actually have to find productive jobs that, instead of being a 100% drain on our tax dollars, actually bolster the economy? Heaven forbid, the world will end!
a stupid doctor is better than no doctor IMO. i'd rather have someone at least try to fix me who might have seen something before than joe Q legchopper fix my broken leg

I don't get this? You think yale is a prestigious medical school?

Off Topic

I've been keeping my head out of this official "political" thread or at least trying to.
You mean the mercenary contract killers would actually have to find productive jobs that, instead of being a 100% drain on our tax dollars, actually bolster the economy? Heaven forbid, the world will end!
actually a ton of the money being paid to people supporting the war goes right back into the US econemy. I for one, am a prime example of that. Made 55k last year and most of that was spent. I, for the life of me, can't understand why anyone would want to be president now, we're about to enter (or already have) a major recession. Who ever our next pres is, will likely be blamed for it.
I, for the life of me, can't understand why anyone would want to be president now, we're about to enter (or already have) a major recession. Who ever our next pres is, will likely be blamed for it.

i think RP might be the only candidate that could manage to not be blamed; his economic plan is that good.
ya'll are a bunch of goddamn naysayers. jeeebus. apparently there's no hope for america in this thread ;).