So I just got a 15 day notice to move out...

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I would live there and not talk to him. Until he does the "nail and mail" he has not yet served you and the clock, whether it be 30 or 90 days, for eviction hasn't even started ticking. MAKE SURE you do not inform him about the proper way of eviction. Just act like he's doing it right and your going to live there regardless. ALWAYS lock your door. If you come home to your stuff is on the curb you can get big bucks out of it, whether you choose to or not. If he doesn't tread right and correctly you could most likely live there until you planned on moving. I planned on doing this at my last house but since the utes. were in another roommates name when he moved he had to turn them off to turn them on at his new place.

If you do just want to get the fuck out, make sure you get a "Termination of Lease Agreement". If you don't he can sue you for back rent when you weren't even living there physically.

But I say fuck him, limit contact, and let him fuck himself.
don't leave pussy
you have no time to move, and you shouldn't run from your problems :ph34r:

hire slush to come beat the shit out of him

i would be all over the landlord/renter games
upper deck his "personal" toilet, eat lots of cheese for a couple days so it'll be a nice turd that won't just wash away on its own, eat his food, fuck his gf and mom, shave your nuts all over his toilet seat/bathroom floor

put hair in the shower drain and jerk off repeatidly to clog it up
crack some eggs in the corner/behind a radiator
dead animal or fish

throw a pissed off badger in his room

prank his ass and submit it to break for some $$$
veggie oil on tile floors work great
I would live there and not talk to him. Until he does the "nail and mail" he has not yet served you and the clock, whether it be 30 or 90 days, for eviction hasn't even started ticking. MAKE SURE you do not inform him about the proper way of eviction. Just act like he's doing it right and your going to live there regardless. ALWAYS lock your door. If you come home to your stuff is on the curb you can get big bucks out of it, whether you choose to or not. If he doesn't tread right and correctly you could most likely live there until you planned on moving. I planned on doing this at my last house but since the utes. were in another roommates name when he moved he had to turn them off to turn them on at his new place.

If you do just want to get the fuck out, make sure you get a "Termination of Lease Agreement". If you don't he can sue you for back rent when you weren't even living there physically.

But I say fuck him, limit contact, and let him fuck himself.
This isn't an eviction. It's a notice that give me the option to cure or quit. I can either cure the problems, or quit the lease. I CAN'T cure the probs because they are all bullshit accusations. Therefor, i can choose to quit the lease. He is on the hook for whatever portion of the rent I don't use, and I am entitled to my deposit back.

also, as for my gf staying over, he can't do shit. this clause has been in my lease since i moved in. He has chosen to never enforce it before, so has effectively waived his right to say that is a violation.
don't leave pussy
you have no time to move, and you shouldn't run from your problems :ph34r:

hire slush to come beat the shit out of him

i would be all over the landlord/renter games
upper deck his "personal" toilet, eat lots of cheese for a couple days so it'll be a nice turd that won't just wash away on its own, eat his food, fuck his gf and mom, shave your nuts all over his toilet seat/bathroom floor

put hair in the shower drain and jerk off repeatidly to clog it up
crack some eggs in the corner/behind a radiator
dead animal or fish

throw a pissed off badger in his room

prank his ass and submit it to break for some $$$
veggie oil on tile floors work great
no comment.........

This isn't an eviction. It's a notice that give me the option to cure or quit. I can either cure the problems, or quit the lease. I CAN'T cure the probs because they are all bullshit accusations. Therefor, i can choose to quit the lease. He is on the hook for whatever portion of the rent I don't use, and I am entitled to my deposit back.

also, as for my gf staying over, he can't do shit. this clause has been in my lease since i moved in. He has chosen to never enforce it before, so has effectively waived his right to say that is a violation.
He can't make you leave without evicting you.
don't leave pussy
you have no time to move, and you shouldn't run from your problems :ph34r:

hire slush to come beat the shit out of him
I'm like ninja yes. Plane ticket and a months rent could do it....:ph34r:
i would be all over the landlord/renter games
upper deck his "personal" toilet, eat lots of cheese for a couple days so it'll be a nice turd that won't just wash away on its own, eat his food, fuck his gf and mom, shave your nuts all over his toilet seat/bathroom floor

put hair in the shower drain and jerk off repeatidly to clog it up
That clogs a shower? The combo or either individually?
crack some eggs in the corner/behind a radiator
dead animal or fish

throw a pissed off badger in his room

prank his ass and submit it to break for some $$$
veggie oil on tile floors work great
Accidentally unplug the fridge at night. It will take him until at least the next night to figure it out.

Have a female friend call his number when he's with the cunt.

Leave condoms, clean or dirty, in his bed, garbage, bathroom, etc.
you don't even need to leave the whole condom. just start putting wrappers in the garbage and shit. the girl will see it.
I'm like ninja yes. Plane ticket and a months rent could do it....:ph34r:
plane ticket = fail

That clogs a shower? The combo or either individually?
combo will do it, as long as the hair has something to get hung up on, usually a metal bar in the drain
and its god awful to clean out, or so my maintenance friend tells me

you don't even need to leave the whole condom. just start putting wrappers in the garbage and shit. the girl will see it.
ooh you guys are good
Freeze a puck of piss and then slide it under his door at night.

Freeze shaving cream cans, cut off the top, throw in his car.
we are a mean damn bunch. my personal faves so far are the 'get a girl friend to wrong number his ass' and the condom wrapper planting. panties would rock too. shove them down the foot of his bed, she'll find em and be like wtfffff!!! :nutpunch:
Just sent this
Upon receiving the last few emails from you, I have decided to consult an attorney about these issues. Having already spoken to some close friends and relatives, who are attorneys, about the legalities of your threats to have the police brought here, and the harassing notes and emails, I am now working with an attorney that specializes in property law, specifically tenant law. Upon disclosing to him all of the information about this, which includes the lease, copies of correspondence between you and I, and the notice that I received yesterday, I have decided how I am going to continue with this. I am going to be quitting my lease effective 15 days from yesterday, when I received the "15 day cure or quit notice". You're completely irrational behavior in this situation has made me decide that, as much as I did not want things to turn out like this, it is for the best on my part to move out as requested. Since your accusations about me violating the lease are either false or unfounded, there is no way possible for me to cure or remedy the problems that you state in the cure or quit notice, leaving me with only one option, which is to move out.

I have lived here since November 2006, and as I stated in a previous email, we spoke about me having visitors when I first came to look at the room/house on 28 October, 2006. You specifically said that it was not an issue with you. In the time that I've lived here, having visitors over has never been brought up as an issue. We both know that I'm not the only one with visitors. Aside from your girlfriend being here 5 or more days and nights a week, Mindows also would often have visitors over. At one point last summer he had 5 people staying over in his room at night. Being that he had these people over repeatedly throughout the summer, often having them sleep over, shower, and cook here, I think it would be safe to say that you had no issue with that either. After reviewing all of this information with an attorney, he has stated that by failing to raise any concern to these repeated actions in the past, that you have effectively waived the right to say that a person staying over or taking a shower here is a violation of the lease.

About the hair in the bathroom issue. My girlfriends hair is not the same color. I'd really like to know how you can be so sure that it wasn't certain people, but supposedly don't know who it was that did it. The way this whole things comes across is that you are repeatedly making things up in an attempt to start issues with either me alone, or all of the tenants.

As for the DVDs, and your attempt to accuse me of having them, I already told you that I don't have any, and you have no reason at all to accuse me of stealing. There have been many people in this house that have been brought in by you and other roommates, and it could have been any one of them. You could have lost them, your girlfriend could have lost them, and even some of Mindow's guests that he had over could have lost them. It's not my issue that you don't keep track of your things, and you have no right or logical reason to accuse me.

There are two other things on your cure or quit notice that state that a disturbance was caused and that a tenant is not to write on anyones automobile. I don't know what you are talking about on either of these issues, and don't feel that I have to even put up with any more of your false accusations at this point.

I want to reiterate with you that I have consulted with multiple attorneys about this matter and that I am working directly with one until this matter is fully over and resolved. I have been fully informed of my rights as a tenant, and will continue to assert those rights as necessary.

I will be contacting you to perform a walk-through of my room as the 15 day period gets closer to an end. I fully expect to receive a prorated amount for the days left in the month that I will not be living here. I have already paid $580, which comes out to $19.33 per day of the month of April. That amount needs to be paid to me on or before the day that I move out, and I will also expect my deposit within a timely manner as stated under CA law.
panties would rock too. shove them down the foot of his bed, she'll find em and be like wtfffff!!! :nutpunch:
but they have to be granny panties or something. something totally not sexy so she makes fun of him for cheating on her with an old wore out bitch who is not sexy at all. ^_^
humiliaton is always a better punishment than physical punishment. we (americans) could learn a thing or two from asian cultures.
hmm, just got an idea. what about cottage cheese or something like that up in the HVAC vents. could slide it hard back in there so no one will ever find it. then the new person to my room will want to move out for uninhabitable conditions.^_^

also thought of getting deer piss or something liek that and pouring it over the cowl of the car, usually where the ac pulls from, right?