who is your candidate???

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Now I'm really depressed. Is this REALLY the best we have to choose from ?

Where the HELL is Norman Schwartzkopf ?
State Huckabee McCain Paul Romney

AL 99% 41% 37% 3% 18%

AK 98% 22% 16% 17% 44%

AZ 97% 9% 47% 4% 34%

AR 94% 60% 20% 5% 14%

CA 99% 12% 42% 4% 34%

CO 95% 13% 19% 8% 59%

CT 100% 7%
52% 4% 33%

DE 100% 15%
45% 4% 33%

GA 99% 34% 32% 3% 30%

IL 99% 16% 47% 5% 29%

MA 100% 4% 41% 3%

MN 86% 20% 22% 16% 41%

MO 100% 32%
33% 4% 29%

MT 100% 15% 22% 25%

NJ 99% 8% 55% 5% 28%

NY 99% 11% 51% 6% 28%

ND 100% 20% 23% 21%

OK 100% 33%
37% 3% 25%

TN 100%
34% 32% 6% 24%

UT 99% 1% 5% 3% 90%

WV 100%
52% 1% 0% 47%
some decent delegate statistics from the blogosphere (pro Ron Paul):

GARKO » The Ron Paul Revolution Has Won A Major Victory!

ps: i have friends that live in 5 different parts of MN and all of them caucus'd; they're all precinct-elected delegates or alternate delegates supporting Ron Paul (as am i). we move forward to the county level march 1, then state in june. nat'l is in sept (in St. Paul, how convenient). this thing isn't over yet. an excerpt from email sent by the RP campaign:

Everyone did a fantastic job Tuesday night! We elected many delegates, more than the straw poll indicates, as you guys stuck around, voted for and ran for delegates. In many precincts where Romney won the straw poll, we still won a majority of delegates. We're on to Step Two: election of delegates from the local conventions to the Congressional District and State conventions. If you were elected delegate or alternate from your caucus, you need to attend your County or Senate District convention. We think we're going to elect 9 or more national delegates out of Minnesota, so stay tuned for further news and directions. Thank you all for your dedication and excellent work. It has and will continue to pay off!

did anyone else get involved in the delegate deal on tues?
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yessssssssssssssssssssss!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!! there are enough republicans that don't like mccain...maybe they'll listen to RP.
i will personally kiss your ass if RP becomes president
i'm afraid all your effort is for naught
speaking of smack...here's a jon stewart smackdown on romney :D

Crooks and Liars » Jon Stewart’s Farewell to Mitt Romney: “F*c# Y%u!”

Sorry for the threadjack, but did anyone else see the other night when Stewart, Colbert, and Conan were all on each other's shows? That shit was absolutely hilarious, especially on Conan when they actually fought! I was cracking up!


Continue discussing politics please...

dude that shit was awesome. i was at s'bucks with a friend, and asked the same thing after seeing that.

Jon Stewart is such an asshole tonguing pissant.

And I watched Ann Coulter last night, who is turning her vote over to Hillary. What the fuck has the world come to ?