2014 Veloster Turbo

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Ready for a sticker tomorrow!

Spent 45 minutes putting this stupid fender cover back in. I should have put it on with the stock fenders lol


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Yes. A year later they are working on getting me a door to hopefully wrap that up next month.
I had koni yellow's back in the day on my CRX. Nice and stiff. Great suspension.
the konis on the back worked a treat, and the brakes are finally mostly broken in . good enough for another 1st place in GS! we had 5 folks in class including the fiesta ST that i've been dueling against for a few years.
this morning I was working on the Jetta. Doing those stupid belts. It took longer to remove the 20 ford screws than change the belts. It was very successful.

Last week I went to the cape and dropped my wedding ring in my buddies accent lol got it back today.

So Kristen hit a deer last night. I’m gonna bang out the fender but replace the light and some plastic.

The Jetta is a tank lol

Dang that's pretty good. My sister-inlaw hit one a couple years ago in a similar spot on her Mazda 3 and it caused lots of damage.
Well here are the results after a little hammering and a new light. Finished this last week.
