A Hard Question

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well... i have a tuff choice to make.

keep on with the LS, or get a 98 SSBP gsr.

Im in love with my car right now, it is my baby, and i honestly wasnt that impressed with the GSR, it didnt feel any faster (yes it was warm) than the LS, but i dunno... its fucking SSBP.

so keep LS (my baby aka the whiteone) or trade in LS for SSPB gsr?

pics of both:





both would still basicly be stock, except for dropping/ exhaust/rims untill i get the $ to do a turbo setup...i dunno its tuff.
There is no, difference on the outside of the car, so it's really up to you to decide wich motor to go with!
I would personally pick the LS because you can do alot with the motor, and i guess the LS would be better for a Turbo.
Anyways still your choice, like i said no difference on the outside of the car!
depending on what i can get on trade in for my teg i MIGHT be able to afford it lol.

but yeah, premium gas vs 87 is gonna suck, and then insurance....

i dunno, i got till monday to figure it out
what does SSBP mean?

BTW, the first pic of your car looks bad ass.

I would say what route do you want to go. Both can go turbo but the LS is going to be easier. For AutoX, NA is the way to go because i think turbo puts you into a class above street modified and basicly, you have no chance. What is the price diffrance do you think. If it is around 2-3k i would say no. I would just do an LSVTEC conversion with some nice internals or do a complete swap and then you would keep your cheap insurance rates.
super sonic blue paint..it like changes color and is real cool looking I think.
not paint- lol the last p is for pearl :P

I say keep the ls and do a head swap if you want vtec that bad. its going to cost a lot of money to do what you want to do.
fuck VTEC.

i honestly wasnt impressed at all with how "quick" the car was. i dunno, i think the GSR will just end up costing a shit load more money for basicly a rare color (that says hey!! come steal me!!). im sure that after trade in it would still be at least $4g... and thats if they give me $9g on trade in haha yeah right!. then insurance, then fucking 92 gas which is like $2.00/gal. vs 87 thats still near $1.70.

plus i love my car, i woke up this morning and i was like what the fuck are you doing? so yeah, im prolly just gonna keep the LS, its cheaper and i dont have to drive for 2 hours on monday this way :) .

If anyone is lookin for an SSBP GSR there is on in Grand Rapids (28th st.) @ GO Acura. they want $12,900. 58313 miles (when i started my test drive).
i like the pic of your car driving.. it looks tight :D
Originally posted by 98integrals@Feb 16 2003, 09:26 AM
fuck VTEC.

i honestly wasnt impressed at all with how "quick" the car was. i dunno, i think the GSR will just end up costing a shit load more money for basicly a rare color (that says hey!! come steal me!!). im sure that after trade in it would still be at least $4g... and thats if they give me $9g on trade in haha yeah right!. then insurance, then fucking 92 gas which is like $2.00/gal. vs 87 thats still near $1.70.

plus i love my car, i woke up this morning and i was like what the fuck are you doing? so yeah, im prolly just gonna keep the LS, its cheaper and i dont have to drive for 2 hours on monday this way :) .

If anyone is lookin for an SSBP GSR there is on in Grand Rapids (28th st.) @ GO Acura. they want $12,900. 58313 miles (when i started my test drive).

well im a lil late but its koo, im still gonna put in my 2 cents even if no one ie reading :P

i'd say stick with the LS and just throw on the VTEC head but since you said,

fuck VTEC.

then i guess not, i just wanted to say this though, if they are both stock then your really not gonna feel that MUCH of a difference in power... start fixing them both up the same route's the GSR will start to open up a lot more... VTEC engines run better on an open filter type of intake... plus with the header and exhaust it will breathe alot easier in turn engaging VTEC better and therefore you will feel the power... but then again you said,

fuck VTEC.

so dont listen to me... :lol: :lol:
Originally posted by 98integrals@Feb 16 2003, 06:26 AM
fuck VTEC.

you must not have been hard on the car :) vtec owns you!!
ah trust me i was not being nice to it.

i dunno, it had no balls below like 4k rpm WHAT so ever. but then agian im pretty sure my car could be considered female right now lol.

i say "FUCK vtec" cause :worthy: ls-T ownz ls/vtec

plus with me not spending the $4-5g on it, a turbo is still possible for this summer... i think
Turbo in the Teg. I've heard that story for a long time.


i know man, i just always seem to find one more thing that i want to get done first.

bah i dunno if it ever will happen, i WANT it to tho ;)
actually if anyone is listenin..if the owner of that GSR never really hit VTEC too often..you wont feel the full potential..i had numerous friends buy GSR's and the first couple of days you could barely hear or feel the VTEC..after it was broken in properly..lol..they all roared..(these were used) it jus seems some people buy GSR's and dont even know about the VTEC..or rarely hit RPM's that high..FUCK VTEC..NO WAY..Embrace it with open arms..cuz it will grow on you..serioulsy..
shesh ill say it agian. fuck vtec :rolleyes:

a snail and a farting squirrel in my LS engine bay will just kill that gsr for the same amount of money... why did i even consider trading
sorry man to hurt you..but you asked for opinions so dont be a Ass and keep sayin FUCK VTEC..cuz if you had a car with VTEC runnin faster then 16's you wouldnt be talkin about farting Squirrels..and what was that SNAILS..o yah..i know i some snails.. :lol: