Aem Intake

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Someone is selling me an aem intake for a 99/00 civic si intake for real cheap price. I was wondering would this fit my 92 hb si with a stock motor? If not would i be able to do anything to make it fit, maybe cut it??
i dont think it will fit without modification, but anything can be african engineered to fit.. is this the cold air intake?? or is it the short ram??
I've heard they fit (CAI) but have never seen it.I don't see why a short ram wouldn't.
it also depends on the size of the tubing. If the new si is 3 inches and yours is 2.5 (pulling numbers out of my ass) a little more work will be need.
i have the underhood AEM intake on my 94 cx and its made for a 96-00 civic ex/si . .. . so i say why not. .. i just had to plug a hole up. .. no biggie. .. for 20 bucks i'm pretty damn happy. i would have payed more for just a filter!
Originally posted by wildbillhatchbac@Jan 5 2003, 11:13 AM
i have the underhood AEM intake on my 94 cx and its made for a 96-00 civic ex/si . .. . so i say why not. .. i just had to plug a hole up. .. no biggie. .. for 20 bucks i'm pretty damn happy. i would have payed more for just a filter!

How did you pull that off? $20 is great.

Oh and bill, you have the cheesest sig ever. :rolleyes: :D :P