Are you going to get vaccinated?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Briansol
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Will you get a covid vaccine?

  • Already did

    Votes: 16 57.1%
  • As soon as I can

    Votes: 2 7.1%
  • Undecided

    Votes: 4 14.3%
  • Not until I have to

    Votes: 4 14.3%
  • Not a chance

    Votes: 2 7.1%

  • Total voters

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I spent the last 2 weeks in a sandy place that required everyone to be vaccinated and negative tested before entry. Never felt safer. Mixed with a few thousand people, nobody tested positive. It was a good couple of weeks. I feel WAY safer outside the US in terms of COVID safety than within, I'll tell you that.
That statement right there is just how brainwashed the Biden Admin and the MSM has made people. Hopefully no one ate a bacon double cheeseburger around you either, wouldn't want you exposed to high cholesterol putting you at risk of a heart attack.
That statement right there is just how brainwashed the Biden Admin and the MSM has made people. Hopefully no one ate a bacon double cheeseburger around you either, wouldn't want you exposed to high cholesterol putting you at risk of a heart attack.

That statement right there is just how brainwashed the Biden Admin and the MSM has made people. Hopefully no one ate a bacon double cheeseburger around you either, wouldn't want you exposed to high cholesterol putting you at risk of a heart attack.

The Biden admin and the MSM has successfully convinced people that cholesterol from cheeseburgers is communicable? That's actually pretty impressive.
That statement right there is just how brainwashed the Biden Admin and the MSM has made people. Hopefully no one ate a bacon double cheeseburger around you either, wouldn't want you exposed to high cholesterol putting you at risk of a heart attack.

I can't even believe I'm responding to this thread, but you're the one linking PFAS in packaging to cholesterol. PFAS is a real thing and it's been found in groundwater from residential wells near a retired air base in Northern Michigan. Apparently it came from fire retardant used during training drills over the course of 40-50 years. The military has admitted this. Obviously they had no way of knowing it was a hazard at the time it was used, but I digress....That article you linked says literally nothing about cholesterol. You're trying to twist it to fit your narrative. Just stop.

And for what it's worth, I voted Trump X2, got vaccinated x2, but won't be getting any of the 25 boosters that seem to be recommended now. So I think I'm seeing things from both sides.
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got the J&J single shot in May 2021. mainly as a work requirement. i had mild sick/flu symptoms and a sore arm for a day. funny that my job made it a requirement since I've been WFH since March 2020. they were planning to go back in the office but every time they started getting ready to, another variant/wave came through lol.

but I went to Hawaii in August and they required the shot for entry. my wife got the shot (also J&J single shot) 14 days before the trip and pretty much only for the trip, she didnt have any reaction. Looks like they've dropped the requirements as of March 26th now for US residents.

We don't have plans to get a booster. neither of us have work requirements for it and we live in a low-risk area and COVID has been on a strong downward/cooling/waning trend. I'd pretty much only get it if my work required it, but I doubt they will since no one seems to care about COVID anymore lol.

I haven't exactly been attending super-spreader events, but I also haven't been hiding in my basement in fear. just living my life and wearing a mask where required :shrug2: but even those mask rules are largely lifted in my area.

my whole family has been vaxxed (moderna or pfizer), and many of them even got a booster. they've all got COVID at least once. and my super woke double masking double vaxxing sister-in-law got it twice lol. Me and my wife have yet to get it and we've even hung out with them when they had it lol :dunno:
I can't even believe I'm responding to this thread, but you're the one linking PFAS in packaging to cholesterol. PFAS is a real thing and it's been found in groundwater from residential wells near a retired air base in Northern Michigan. Apparently it came from fire retardant used during training drills over the course of 40-50 years. The military has admitted this. Obviously they had no way of knowing it was a hazard at the time it was used, but I digress....That article you linked says literally nothing about cholesterol. You're trying to twist it to fit your narrative. Just stop.

And for what it's worth, I voted Trump X2, got vaccinated x2, but won't be getting any of the 25 boosters that seem to be recommended now. So I think I'm seeing things from both sides.
I think you are misunderstanding what i am saying. His comment was that he never felt so safe because everyone around him was vaccinated. the vaccine does absolutely nothing to prevent the spread of covid... zero..zilch..nothing. The Biden admin and MSM spread that lie. Just like they spread the lie that you can't get covid if vaccinated. What i was saying is that he mine as well be concerned about OTHER people eating bacon double cheese burgers around him in fear he might develop health problems FROM THEM EATING IT.

i never even mentioned PFAS

Do you get it now?
I think you are misunderstanding what i am saying. His comment was that he never felt so safe because everyone around him was vaccinated. the vaccine does absolutely nothing to prevent the spread of covid... zero..zilch..nothing. The Biden admin and MSM spread that lie. Just like they spread the lie that you can't get covid if vaccinated.
Huh? Do you know how vaccines work? Nobody ever said you couldn't get COVID if you were vaccinated, just like nobody says the flu shot gives you a 100% shield from the flu.
Huh? Do you know how vaccines work? Nobody ever said you couldn't get COVID if you were vaccinated, just like nobody says the flu shot gives you a 100% shield from the flu.
are you fucking retarded...Joe Biden said these exact words. Not only did he say you can't get Covid, he also said you can't spread it if you are vaccinated. The sitting President of the US said these exact words. Do you not remember him telling people it was their duty to get vaccinated to stop the spread? And yes i know exactly how this vaccine was going to "work". That is why i was educated enough not to get it.
trump said lots of dumb shit too, lol

Of course he has said dumb shit....but he also said some shit that was true and genius.

And guess what Biden did, he made the "cure" worse then the problem by mandating masks and vaccines. 10's of thousands of people lost their jobs, especially in the medical field by either termination or quitting because he forced them to make a choice about their own personal health. He went from lying about the vaccine effectiveness, to knowing that the vaccine did nothing and still tried to force people to get it via mandates. I mean he lied about mandates as well. He said he would not mandate the vaccine or masks. This is comparable to the amount of lies told when Obama fucked the country with Obamacare and lied his ass off to the American people.

President-elect Joe Biden on Friday said that he won’t impose national mandates to get vaccinated for COVID-19 or to wear a mask.

But Biden said that he will encourage people to voluntarily do both.

“No, I don’t think it should be mandatory. I wouldn’t demand it be mandatory,” Biden said of vaccines at a press conference in Delaware.

“But I would do everything in my power — just like I don’t think masks have to be made mandatory nationwide — I will do everything in my power as president of the United States to encourage people to do the right thing. And when they do it, demonstrate that it matters.”
trump said lots of dumb shit too, lol

Yup. They're both idiots.

Sheesh I bet you're fun at parties.

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I love how buffoons carry water for either president. Like we went from a bottom 5 all time to maybe a bottom 10 all time. History ain't gonna be kind.

Right?? I see it far too frequently where if you criticize Trump, the response is, "Oh???? Well Joe Biden did this and said that and remember Benghazi Hilary and Pervert Bill Clinton and Obummer and Epstein and the Deep State and blah, blah, blah."

Yeah, fuck Uncle Joe. Disliking Trump doesn't mean I'm "riding."
I also lean pretty hard into the Fk em both (all) category.
I don't feel there has been a president in my lifetime that wasn't an absolute corrupt POS that looked out for their own, or corporate, interests, vs the actual interests of the people.