Are you going to get vaccinated?

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Will you get a covid vaccine?

  • Already did

    Votes: 16 57.1%
  • As soon as I can

    Votes: 2 7.1%
  • Undecided

    Votes: 4 14.3%
  • Not until I have to

    Votes: 4 14.3%
  • Not a chance

    Votes: 2 7.1%

  • Total voters

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I didn't even see this post...

This is alarming

The 245,394 adverse reactions and 456 deaths caused by the Pfizer mRNA jab are ten times the quantity that would have been enough to discontinue any other vaccine, and it looks as if the Moderna jab is starting to head in a similar direction.
and the phizer vaccine is fda approved today.

wonder if there are still emergency implications, like, they can't be sued, in the approval.
I'm just posting this for you guys to listen to...its fucking scary...feel free to disregard it as usual as quackery....Dr. Michael McDowell out of Trinidad discussing sars_covid, how it was made as a genetic bio weapon, what it was made of(HIV Virus and SARS), how it mutates, effectiveness of the vaccines on the market and how they work etc etc,

start at 12:30 if you wanna skip to the vaccine part, how vaccinated people are not safe from the 100+ variants of Covid that are thought to be out there and how super variants will take over that nothing can stop if we don't stop vaccines, how the WHO, Medical Journals, Med Schools, etc etc is funded by Big Pharma, etc etc.

Also, how come we keep being told the Delta Variant makes up like 80%+ of all cases when no one is being tested for the Delta Variant? And apparently you are not even allowed to legally know what you have? how the fuck?

  • Most people with COVID-19 in the US are legally prevented from knowing which variant infected them.
  • That's because sequencing tests have to be federally approved for results to be disclosed to doctors or patients, and most are not yet.
  • Lab scientists say the process of validating the tests for approval is too costly and time-consuming.

How To Test For Delta Variants?​

It is important to note that the antigen test does not provide information on whether the infection is due to a delta variant or another variant of Coronavirus. For determining the COVID-19 strain, the sample undergoes genomic sequencing. The process is expensive and time-consuming. Healthcare departments generally perform genetic sequencing tests. It determines the presence of a particular strain in the community.


The presence of the delta variant is only verified through genomic sequencing tests. This test is expensive and is generally done by the government to evaluate the presence of a variant in a particular area. It is necessary to prevent the transmission, and a vaccine is currently the best option for it.

How do they test for the Covid-19 Delta variant?​

Although there is no specific test for the Delta variant, it’s likely a positive Covid-19 result indicates you could be infected with the variant, according to Human and Health Services of Texas.

The reason is because the majority of Covid cases in the United States are the Delta variant.

In order to specifically check for the Delta variant, a genomic sequencing Covid-19 test is required, which certain labs and local health departments have access to.

According to Human and Health Services of Texas, the volume of positive cases is the main reason why genomic sequencing is not performed on every test.


Just another guy for you guys to mock and discredit.

Yeah... they don't test every covid positive patient for what variant they have. And they're more of signals than exact so they don't disclose. THey just use another lab to confirm they match often. They test some of them.... And then they use this crazy math thing to determine how many are in a community....

You may not have heard of this thing, but its called Statistics!
Yeah... they don't test every covid positive patient for what variant they have. And they're more of signals than exact so they don't disclose. THey just use another lab to confirm they match often. They test some of them.... And then they use this crazy math thing to determine how many are in a community....

You may not have heard of this thing, but its called Statistics!
Ahhh yes...perfect...thanks for they use statistics to diagnose people....that makes perfect sense. I didn't realize statistics was used for diagnose in the medical field.

Next time i have symptoms ill ask for statistics to diagnose me instead of those stupid medical diagnostic tests they used to use
More lovely info...forget the rest of the article i highlighted the important parts. How does this vaccine get FDA approval?

After 1,517,211 injuries and 9,027 deaths following the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccines recorded in the U.S. Government’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), the FDA today gave full approval to the Pfizer COVID-19 injections for people over the age of 16.

Besides the U.S. VAERS, the British Yellow Card reporting system for injuries and deaths following COVID-19 vaccines reports 501 deaths and 293,779 injuries following Pfizer COVID-19 injections. (Source.)

EudraVigilance, the European Union database of suspected drug reaction reports for COVID-19 vaccines, reports 10,616 deaths and 833,498 injuries following Pfizer COVID-19 vaccines. (Tally here, source here.)

Today is a historic day in the United States, because no pharmaceutical product linked to so many deaths and injuries during its trial period has ever before been approved by the FDA.

Just from Europe and the U.S., official government reporting systems list a total of 20,144 deaths and 2,644,488 adverse reactions following Pfizer’s injections.
no, but my wife and i are talking about it.

I'm still trying to find out if they've removed all the other emergency approval caveats with it, like financial repercussions of it.

And just like that, they've made it so inconvenient that most will get it even if they don't want it.
saw that, not sure how they can make that legal outside of federal employees. seems like a bit of an overreach for OSHA.
there's so many stories out there...
i'm hearing a few that it gives you aids too...

I ended up getting a jab a few weeks ago. due for my 2nd soon. :caved:
there's so many stories out there...
i'm hearing a few that it gives you aids too...

I ended up getting a jab a few weeks ago. due for my 2nd soon. :caved:
well, unfortunately this isn't a "story". This a published scientific study.

Dr. Been breaks the study down down.
on the base level it makes sense that RNA jabs could alter DNA. to what degree... that is the question.
that's not the point....we were literally told it would not do the things its now proven it does....whether this has long term negative consequences is yet to be determined but it doesn't look promising.

“In this study we present evidence that COVID-19 mRNA vaccine BNT162b2 is able to enter the human liver cell line Huh7 in vitro,” the researchers wrote in the study, published in Current Issues of Molecular Biology. “BNT162b2 mRNA is reverse transcribed intracellularly into DNA as fast as 6 [hours] after BNT162b2 exposure.”

BNT162b2 is another name for the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine that is marketed under the brand name Comirnaty.

The whole process occurred rapidly within six hours. The vaccine’s mRNA converting into DNA and being found inside the cell’s nucleus is something that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) said would not happen.

“The genetic material delivered by mRNA vaccines
never enters the nucleus of your cells,” the CDC said on its web page titled “Myths and Facts about COVID-19 Vaccines.”