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the pilots who flew the plane that dropped that bomb didnt know if they were going to live from the blast or not
well yeah, but that is the first bomb they dropped as a weapon on a city.
God have mercy on us all. A beautiful destruction none the less.
I dont think they had that bomb till the 50s....I think we were the first and shortly after the war with Japan was over Russia came out with there first test....not sure but thats what I thought
If you actually do research on nuclear explosions and progress, instead of skimming off of a car forum for the order of explosions and what happened, where - It's actually quite interesting.

The WWII bombs used in Japan weren't extreme yield. Even at the time of dropping them, we had the ability to control the blast from low yield (About a city block) to massive explosions (Such as pacific ocean experiments that went a little.... out of control). Most of the footage you see of nuclear blasts comes from that one pacific islands experiment.
If you actually do research on nuclear explosions and progress, instead of skimming off of a car forum for the order of explosions and what happened, where - It's actually quite interesting.

Yeah I know what I am talking about I have read about it before and the testing in the Pacific is also know as bikini Atoll.
I do wonder though. I mean i know on smaller bombs you want the aerodynamics to hit your target and such. but something thats able to take out miles and miles of stuff on the surface alone. Where is the point of making it pretty? in the last vid, the engineers placed all the plating and everything on that bomb... just so... it come blow up. I mean if theres a really logical reason then I understand. but if it just needs to fall, then blow up and thats it. then... where is the point?
I just saw a show the other day about the mark 15 hydrogen "Tybee" bomb that was lost off the coast of georgia 50 years ago, and still hasn't been found. there was controversy as to whether or not the plutonium core to make it go nuclear was present while it was emergency dropped over water, and it looks like from what they said that it might of been capable of going nuclear when it was dropped. they said it was somethin like 200 times stronger then the bomb which caused hiroshima :o

I just saw a show the other day about the mark 15 hydrogen "Tybee" bomb that was lost off the coast of georgia 50 years ago, and still hasn't been found. there was controversy as to whether or not the plutonium core to make it go nuclear was present while it was emergency dropped over water, and it looks like from what they said that it might of been capable of going nuclear when it was dropped. they said it was somethin like 200 times stronger then the bomb which caused hiroshima :o


Yeah they claim there was no nuclear capsule inside it. I had heard somewhere a while back they know exactly where it is but dont wanna disturb it, apparently all but 1 of the trip sensors went off when it dropped, this just what ive heard, whether its true or not who knows.
Yeah they claim there was no nuclear capsule inside it. I had heard somewhere a while back they know exactly where it is but dont wanna disturb it, apparently all but 1 of the trip sensors went off when it dropped, this just what ive heard, whether its true or not who knows.

someone should go down there and blow it up. :eek: