Best Build for LS/vtec?

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Senior Member
Which way would all of you recommend? Using the golden eagle oil kit and dowl (sp) pins to setup a b16 head or taking it to a machine shop.
I am still selling the swap but I am trying to keep it together as the engine/tranny/ecu. If I change my mind and part it out I will let you know.
I took my head to a machine shop and had it done, it wasn't too expensive but when the machine shop drilled out the dowel pin holes it left a lot of little metal pieces that I'm still cleaning up. From the looks of the golden eagle kit, that would be the better and easier way to go. :D
Still looking for a recommendation: get the head machined or use the dowel pins from golden eagle?
get a good, reputable shop thats done ls/vtec before to properly do the whole setup. we all know what happens to poorly built ls/vtec- boom. get it done right, or end up as one of the many who blew their shit up.
So your vote is to have the head machined. I definitely don't want my sh!t blowing up. That sounds like a bad time, and a big mess :)